Another black eye for docs

Another ADD doc with an edit every 1/4 to 1/2 second and no interviewee speaks more than a single sentence on camera before they cut away to a nauseating montage of split screen. Super hyperactive with loads of "style". Terrible. I suggest getting a list of the films it covers instead.


Yes, the old boring ways of making docs is gone. Deal with it. This film is perfectly editited in the style of its hectic slam-bang subject matter.

Had Hartley had made a doc that focused on those yawn-inducing highly-acclaimed bourgeois crap Ozzie movies that the critics were praising, well, a prolonged editing style would have been more suffice.

And no one would watch it, or want to watch it.


The traditional ways of making docs are not "gone" and I won't "deal with it" (a phrase used only by children). Just because those with ADD are now watching docs, doesn't mean they're all going to be garbage like Dear Zachary and this. Once the stupid people and children go back to watching Transformers and leave the docs to those of us with brains and taste, things will return to normal.

The old style is only yawn - inducing to idiots with a 2 second attention span. Clearly you're one of them and proud of it.

"I'm - I'm hurt real bad. I think I'm dying"

"Continue dying"


It's called innovation and when the hell did "deal with it" become a thing only children say? What does brains and taste have to do with a quick editing style? Nothing. You're reaching, pal.

Oh please, another TRANSFORMERS reference outta do it too. I walked out of TRANFORMERS and it had nothing to do with the editing style.

My attention span is just fine and, again I say, with regards to this doc and the subject matter it was covering, the editing style was spot on.


"innovation" !!


You're seriously delusional. Time to seek help.

"I'm - I'm hurt real bad. I think I'm dying"

"Continue dying"



Dear Zachary is a fantastic documentary, not garbage at all. And, frankly, it's not edited in the way you're implying either.


I thought it more of an ode to Australia genre cinema (or all genre cinema, in general). And it went along with it's theme in editing: high-speed, entertaining.

Not much of a documentary with talking heads, indeed. Those can be pretty interesting, but not about this subject. This subject calls for KABLAMMO!!! and this movie provided it.

I saw a documentary recently about a silent cloister, I was glad it wasn't edited like this. It tried to capture the atmosphere of the cloister, and it did. It wasn't anything like this... And it was awesome.

Same goes for this doc here. It's about high-paced, gory, sexy movies, and so it has to be high-paced, gory, sexy. What did you expect?

Job well done.


Hartley did a similar approach to his followup documentary "Machete Maidens Unleashed" -- sadly the movies looked at in that documentary were nothing to the ones in "Not Quite Hollywood" but the fast editing certainly helped this movie move along.


JamesLisk is right OP. This isn't The Celleloid Closet. The subject of the documentary is the cheap, crazy, kinetic, and sleazy B-movies of the 70s and 80s. And the editing of the film emphasizes that style. I found the pace and energy of the film extremely refreshing. 2 hours talking heads would have been terrible way of presenting the fast-paced world of Ozploitation.

The point is, people like Tarantino and Trenchard-Smith are interesting, but the stars of Not Quite Hollywood are the films themselves and Hartley captures their energy and insanity with relish. If you dislike the editing style, Nekrophagia, then that's fine, but it was really the only way to make a film like this, in which case the phrase "deal with it" does apply.

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"but it was really the only way to make a film like this"

How very open minded of you. I'm sure you'd accomplish much as a film maker.

"I'm - I'm hurt real bad. I think I'm dying"

"Continue dying"


My sarcasm detector is going off the charts.

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