Crocodile Attack Scene at the very end: Not Dark Age or Rogue, so where?

The crocodile attack at the very end, the last minute of the documentary before the credits role is not in either "Dark Age" or "Rogue", the two croc attack movies. I have the unrated cut of "Rogue" and the bootleg copy and the newer DVD copy of "Dark Age". I want to know what movie this scene is from so bad!! It looks pretty sweet.

Camera angle looking out of a dingy boat, a huge crocodile head bursts out of the water and its jaws open up pretty quick, an animatronic croc...but much more real looking that the one in "Dark Age", and different from the one in "Rogue". Then the camera cuts to a women in the water and the same crocodiles head sideways chomps down on her torso in the water as she struggles,

Can anyone help me figure out what movie those two scenes are from?

They're at the very end of the documentary, within the last 1-2 minutes when they talk about the new wave of aussie filmakers is when you see it.


I thought you meant Dark Water, a great Australian crocodile movie. But then I checked imdb and there really is a crocodile movie called Dark Age.

EDIT. Sorry, the movie I meant is called Black Water. One of the best crocodile movie I know.


Yeah it isn't black water either. They didn't use any animatronic crocs in that movie.

Scene looks pretty cool, what the hell movie is it from?!


Well I just watched Dark Age (for the first time) and I do think the short crocodile shot shown in the documentary is from Dark Age. It's from the scene the crocodile attacked and ate a little child on the beach.


No, the scene I am talking about is NOT the beach scene with the little kid from Dark Age. The scene I am talking about takes place at the very end of the documentary, within the last 1-2 minutes when they talk about the new wave of aussie filmakers, that is when you see it.

The croc attacks a boat, and then you see its mouth underwater sideways engulf what looks like a girl in a bikini.


I rewatched the shot you're talking about, and I'm 99% sure its from Black Water (2007). It's the final shot of film footage they use (apart from the montage of previous footage at the end), and it is listed as Black Water in the credits. Rogue and Black Water were released the same year, so maybe that's why you're confused.

Check out


I'll re-watch Black Water- but wasn't Black Water mostly real crocs spliced in with the actors?

Also, the tinny or boat in Black Water was flipped over and no croc was seen. Unlike the clip at the end of Ozploitation, where you see a animatronic croc come up jaws open in front of the tinny.

I thought , maybe it was a deleted scene from Rogue; because rogue made two life size animatronic crocs and that could have been the seen of the fishermen who shot the flair up, that led Kate and the group to the place where the big croc lives. Maybe it was cut, for whatever reason.

But I've searched everywhere and that scene still eludes me. I own Dark Age both versions, Rogue, BW, any and every croc film from Aussie land so far.

I know of one croc film made around the time of Dark Age (i forget the title) and was not heavily marketed and was def. ozploitation.

Anyone know ANY other croc films from australia or films with croc attacks in it from Australia?
