Sumin and Garam

Does anyone else think that Sumin and Garam should have been together? I felt like they connected with each other a lot more throughout the film...they were both orphans, and they both worked together. Sumin offered his home to Garam, and they had deeper conversations than Sumin and Jaemin. I know a theme of the movie was the upper class falling in love with the lower class, but Sumin and Garam had their share of differences as well. I just feel like Sumin wasn't completely responsive to Garam. The last time they talked, I was really saddened because Garam had feelings for Sumin, and even wanted to travel with him, but didn't get a chance to. Lastly, just look at the way Sumin mourned Garam's death. It was so heartbreaking, and evident that Sumin felt so much more for Garam. After all, Sumin "loved" Jaemin enough to try and kill him when he broke his heart...I was just a bit put off by that imbalance.


I agree. There was more warmth between Sumin and Garam's character, but was sort of left off by the director. And he since he didn't know what to do with him, he killed him in a car accident. So, issue is solved, and he could focus again on Sumin and Jaemin's relationship which, I believe, could have been built stronger in the story, and should have climaxed at the end, but sadly it became a horror/suspense movie, and the characters weren't really able to build on the emotional side, but rather became sort of a horror and a joke. Disappointed with the ending!


Sumin clearly was not into Garam romantically. His kindness to Garam, beyond his general kindness, was motivated by the fact that Garam looked like someone whom he liked back at the orphanage. That's why, when Garam asks Sumin why the latter is so nice to him Sumin says Garam resembles someone and doesn't clarify whom Garam resembles even when asked. Also, prior to Garam's confession of his affection for Sumin, Garam drops hints that Sumin catches but chooses not to acknowledge, such as the one by the riverbank. Sumin brushes aside Garam's attempts to check out Sumin's receptiveness, even going so far as to reframe the brush-off in terms of work (that Madam doesn't like homos working for him). Sumin's interest in Garam is purely brotherly as a hyung looking out for a younger version of himself.


Great post, echo. :)
My thoughts exactly.

'If you sleep through life, you wake up dead.'
