
During the series, the soldiers complain a lot about them having to go to war in humvees. The thing I dont understand, is what other options are available for them?


They were complaining because they were open tops and no bulletproofing. During the buildup before the war, there was talk about Saddam having WMDs and shooting missiles at us, yet, they invaded with hummers. In the event of a WMD attack, you have no cover in an open top humvee.

As for other options, I don't know, tanks? APCs?


In the event of a WMD attack, you have no cover in an open top humvee.

I've never served in the military but I sincerity doubt a closed top humvee would be much protection either. You'd probably need an airtight seal and an oxygen filtration system.


Well this was the first time that this unit operated in Platoons and Companies. They are a Recce unit, small teams to get eyes on, not a normal Infantry Unit.

