Sergeant Major's Accent

Love the series but WTF is up with the sergeant major's accent? Where is he supposed to be from? The only accent I've heard it remotely resemble is that of someone from Cajun country in Louisianna.


it is supposed to be southern, but I think he cranks it up to 11 when he is around enlisted, cause he is trying to sound more like the stereotypical Gunny.

And when he is in officer's meetings, he sound more subdued.


No, it's not Cajun. Somewhere from the south though.


It's nowhere from the South I've ever been. I'm from Alabama and lived in Mississippi, Georgia, Virginia and Tennessee and never heard anyone talk like that. I dunno it's just crazy how he makes everything plural like "yo moo-stache hairs is in violations". Ya'lls lookin like cowboy elvis's!


like I said, he cranks it up when he is talking to the troops, for whatever reason (it is also for comic relief in the episode). I had an E8 who used to yell at us/ give commands in a fake southern accent, so it is done for show too.



Yeah, a lot of it is put on. But a lot of it also reflects the personality of the man.I knew a Sgt Major just like him. He was from another unit, but one night he came into our lines and started messing with my gunner. I was sitting on my turret, and my gunner was just sitting by the driver' s hatch, and this guy walked up and started beaking off at my gunner exactly like the SSM in GK.
When I saw the guy in GK, it was déjà vu - the over the top yelling and spitting (the spitting didn't really show in GK but I know it was there), was all exactly the same as this dork I remembered. If at any point you are watching this guy and thinking 'people don't really act that way' I can assure you from personal experience that some do. And somehow they make a career of it.
