MovieChat Forums > Einstein and Eddington (2008) Discussion > Saw them filming in Cambridge today!

Saw them filming in Cambridge today!

I saw them filming in All Saint's Passage today, David Tennant had to ride down it on a bicycle loads of times!

Now back to work...


I was there, too! Also there a bit before that when they were shooting some sort of fight in the tailor's shop. I had a chat with some of the crew and apparently they're at St John's in about ten minutes; so I'm heading over there now to get some photos! XD


Really? Who was fighting?
I heard that Mr. Tennant was all geeked up. Sounbds glorious.


Some pics I took! [Sorry they're not very good quality; it was pouring a lot of the time, and the light was bad.]

Also had my picture taken with DT, but that's not on there... And he signed my Casanova DVD!!:D

"PICT1721" is of the shop where the fight took place. I think it was something to do with the word "Huns" being graffitied on the front, but I didn't see who did it. Eddington looked like he was trying to break up the fight. I saw him on one of the monitors from outside the shop bursting in looking furious, yelling something and everyone stopping. There were a few punches thrown prior to that. The shop's owned by the Mullers (you may be able to see that in the photo) and I saw a woman dressed in black and white sort of screaming somewhere in the fray when the argument spilled out on the the pavement(there were also about 2-3 men involved), so I'm assuming she's the Muller woman listed in the cast list, or at least a member of their household.

There's also a far-off shot of David on a bicycle.

After I posted my last message, I went to St John's, where they did lots of shooting of David Tennant walking around and talking to people. There were also some extras dressed in old fashioned tennis outfits and having a game (see photos), which continued when the cameras stopped rolling! At John's I saw them film: On the lawns on the Backs behind the river, on the Bridge of Sighs (Eddington and some older man talking about getting funding to go to Africa [presumably to see the solar eclipse]), in Third Court and in Second Court (mostly walking around, but also some other conversation, possibly with the same man as before, I wasn't close enough to hear/see, and Eddington shaking hands with someone).

That was their last shooting day in Cambridge. Apparently they're in Croatia next week, among other places, from what I heard when chatting to the crew.

I had a busy day. =)


Nooo!!!! I was hoping to go and see him on Monday as I only live about 30 minutes away and only found out last night they were in Cambridge. I am devastated!


Hi falling embers. :)

This is my first post-and I hope I'm not being impolite to just jump right in and ask you this, please forgive me if I am. I belong to a David Tennant forum ( and I was wondering if you would give me permission to post the photos you took of David during filming on that board, with full credit to you, of course?

We're dying for pictures from filming-everyone would love to see these.

Please consider it?



Yeah, sure! I'm just grateful I got to see him; won't begrudge anyone my photos. =)

Please could you send me a link to the page they're on when you've put them up?


Oh, thank you *so* much!

They'll be on the forum, which you'd have to join to see the thread, but I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up on the main site as well because we only have one small pic there. I can send you that page if this happens. :)


The shoot moves to Hungary soon.


Is the Einstein part of the story that is shot in Hungary?
Do you know how long they have been filming for?
And how come you know so much about it? ;)


They were filming last week, but I believe that's the only week they're shooting in the UK - they're probably already on their way to Hungary.


someone on the david tennant forum got her friend to ask a security guard about filming and he said they would be there on monday. i don't know what to believe!


thanks for that.
If you have more info, please pass it on.


Actually guys I think I saw Andy Serkis this afternoon :)) (I live in Budapest, Hungary). I went to a pharmacy and found an English guy there who looked like him, and had the same voice too. He seemed to be a very nice person btw.
I was thinking about asking him if he was really A.S. but I'm not really comfortable with going up to famous people and start chatting with them. I find it bit offensive... Though who knows, maybe they enjoy if people keep talking to them just because they are someone famous, but I'm not sure about that at all :)

How do you shoot the devil in the back? What if you miss?
