Why is his face like that?

Why is his face all scared in the movie?


they said he had bad acne, but it was like a skin disease. i just remember what the cops said when they were describing him.


I saw picture on the cover of the dvd, and I thought how gross what the heck is that?
It looked like a brain, and I realized it was supposed to be a closeup of Richard Speck's cheeks.

I've seen photos of him, and his cheeks are acne pocked, but the make-up job for this movie looked horrible.
"you don't come to the LorD changed-
you come to the LorD and let Him do the changing."


Glad to see that I wasn't the only one who thought the special effects makeup for his "acne pocked" skin looked horrible, and obviously visible that it was a prosthetic..you could see the line where it ended and Corin's face began. They should have consulted someone like Tom Savini for help, but then again, this may have been too low-rent of a movie for Savini to consult on. They could have done a mold of the lead detective and used that as an example of acne scarred face, since his is real.

Well, *beep* me gently with a chainsaw. Do I look like Mother Theresa?


While I watched this, I kept thinking how much this film would have benefited from Tom Savini's artful touch. The "pizza face" was awful, and a huge distraction – it was overplayed, just like the dialogue and performances in this film. The real Richard Speck did have an acne-scarred face, but it was more like Ray Liotta's:

And yes, Andrew Divoff does have real pockmarks, as many men do, and I couldn't help compared the two in their scenes together.

The prosthetic breasts at the end looked extremely fake also. Everything about this film rings false.


* scarred not scared , to OP


but then again, this may have been too low-rent of a movie for Savini to consult on

Right. Because Friday the 13th was high-rent.
