MovieChat Forums > Nightmare (2007) Discussion > Additional information required

Additional information required

hello there,

I just read some commentary about the movie Nightmare with Haylie Duff. I'm supposed to translate the English synopsis (see below) into dutch but I can't get hold of the movie in Belgium. It is difficult to translate that kind of synopsis if you haven't seen the movie. Could someone please explain more detailed what happens in this movie.


A mind-body disconnect - that's what causes sleep paralysis, a terrifyingly real experience in which someone awakes momentarily made of stone. Molly Duggan is determined to discover a treatment, because in rare cases, it can kill: Her mother was one of its victims. But what science can't explain is why Molly suddenly starts experiencing episodes herself and during them, feels a sinister presence surrounding her. So she turns to legends, and that's when her real nightmare begins. Haylie Duff stars in this pulse-pounding chiller

I can't imagine what they mean by terrifyingly real experience in which someone awakes momentarily made of stone???
And what about the part of science, is it she who tries to find a scientific explanation or the doctors??? Or is it said in general???

I really hope someone can help me. It's rather urgent.

Thanks a lot for your help.



Een loskoppeling van lichaam en geest: dat is de oorzaak van slaapverlamming. Een angstaanjagend realistische ervaring waarbij je wakker wordt en je niet kunt verroeren. Molly Duggan is op zoek naar een behandeling, want in zeldzame gevallen is deze aandoening dodelijk. Een van de slachtoffers is Molly’s moeder. Maar de wetenschap kan niet verklaren waarom Molly zelf ook getroffen wordt door slaapverlamming, en tijdens een aanval een kwaadaardige aanwezigheid in de kamer voelt. Ze verdiept zich in legendes en dan begint de nachtmerrie pas echt.
