sleep paralysis

I haven't seen the movie yet although it strangely interests me because I sometimes suffer from sleep paralysis, especially when I don't get enough sleep. I've never had any vivid hallucinations but the paralyzing fear is something that I can never get used to. Anyone else experience the same thing?


I do. Is it true that we can really die from it??
I haven't had any visions of getting stuck to the ceiling or going places like some people have...



Yeah, neither have I. The scariest ones I can remember are hallucinations where someone is just standing over me. That is scary enough. The idea of dying is perhaps possible but very rare to my knowledge. I think one would have to be so frightened that it would result in cardiac arrest and so one would actually be scared to death. The movie, "A Nightmare on Elm Street" was actually based on off true stories from the 70's about children (I believe in Vietnam) dying in their sleep for no apparent reason. The director got the idea from that.


I used to get it a lot when I was younger, the only way I could wake up was to increase my breathing til it snapped me out of it. I did have hallucinations on occasion, either "sensing" someone was over me or watching myself asleep which was odd because I could still "feel" myself in the bed but also see myself from elsewhere in the room.
After a while I got to accept it and even look forward to it, if you don't panic it can be pretty groovy.
Probably only get it 1-2 a year now, had it a lot more when I was working nights.


I get it too, its like i couldn't breathe and i would try to snap myself out of it but i don't know how i would snap myself out of it.. it sometimes scare me like especially if i am calling out and i couldn't hear my voice. it is not cool. i haven't got an episode lately which is fine by me because i hate feeling vunerable.


yes i have experienced it and it scares the hell out of me; i start freaking out waking my husband, thank god he's there bc i think i'm having a stroke or something else. i really need to go to a sleep study bc it runs in my family - my brother recently went to a sleep disorder place, think i will be going next
