subtitles - missing items

The subtitles I have don't tell us what some of the written things are.

Majima turns a sign over next to a door several times in the movie. Like an "Open"/"Closed" sign?

That bottle Kiryu uses... what does the label say? (Hot sauce?)(where can I get some!?) The camera pans across the label but there is no translation given. There were other things but I don't remember now.


I was also wondering about that.

I think the bottle he drinks might be a HP Supplement or Stamian XX from the game, which heal you and give your a power boost but I can't say for sure. Anyone have a translation?


The sign he keeps turning over say something like "Majima is in" or "Majima has gone out, will be back soon". The drink that Kiryu drinks is something he pulls from the pharmacist's display. There were 3 different drinks, one with an X on it, one with a XX, and the top one, which was some sort of super special stamina drink or supplement, I can't remember exactly what the name was. I'm sure the drink is a direct reference to the game this movie is based on. I was lucky enough to see this in a theater in New York and the subtitles were actually pretty good.


Yeah Majima´s sign is "Im in, Majima" and "Will be back soon, Majima".

The drinks are familiar from the games. "Staminan X, gives medium health and heat replenishment". Then "Staminan XX, gives large health and heat". And at the top, the best health drink in the games, "Staminan Spark, body on fire, super health and heat replenishment" :D
