Plot Hole? Maybe?

Okay so I just watched Razor after following season 1 and 2. I watched it directly after Captains Hand. I thought it was good, but that many Battlestar episodes have been much better. I also hated the out of character Lee ordering Kara to basically kill herself, and think that they should have focused more on newer characters instead of throwing Starbuck and everyone else into the mix. It seems to have jarred the continuity of the show up somewhat which bugs me. I still have yet to watch Season 3 but im hoping maybe theres some tie ins or something that help bind it back a little bit?

Now I usually can ignore small plotholes but after watching Captains Hand just the night before one thing is really bugging me. In Razor Lee makes Kara his CAG on Pegasus, and it shows her with him in his inaugeration and everything, but in Captains Hand, Lee and Kara discuss her being Galacticas CAG and how she will have to put up with Colonel Tigh and such. That conversation is before he leaves for Pegasus.

So are we to assume that after they had this conversation Lee said "Nevermind, come with me." and then at the end of Razor Kara decides to go back to Galactica?

I guess it could be assumed but it just seems really quite the big gap. Am I missing something I hope? Slayers! Put this in your signature!


Am I missing something I hope?

Probably not. Continuity and long-range planning has never been the strong point of this show.



In Captain' Hand when Lee was talking to Kara about being Galactica's CAG he wasn't in command of Pegasus let he was the XO



I don't think Lee was being out of character ordering Kara's death. She had just shot him recently among other crazy things in their history. Plus he wanted the mission to suceed and knew she would due her job.
