Quick Question...

Hi, I was just wondering...I didn't watch season three on tv, and cannot wait for it to come out on the 18th. However I don't know if I should be watching this before or after I watch season three. I would read further into the message boards, but I am afraid I will stumble upon a spoiler and ruin the season. If someone could please let me know, that would be fantastic! Thanks a bunch! :-)


It's OK to watch 'Razor' before season 3. There are two main storylines in Razor - one takes place during a time in season 2 when Lee took command of Pegasus, and the other is a flashback to what happened to Pegasus before it found BSG. No real spoilers about season 3. There are some references to season 3 but they are so vague and brief that they wouldn't mean much to you until after you have seen that 3rd season.

Still pond / A frog jumps in / Plop!


Thanks Rocky! I'll have to go get it to tide me over until Season 3 comes out :-)...Thanks for the help!
