MovieChat Forums > Battlestar Galactica: Razor (2007) Discussion > Razor Plothole or hint? Starbuck's Palm...

Razor Plothole or hint? Starbuck's Palm reading.

Okay, I watched Razor last night and near the end Starbuck remarks about how she has a destiny and how her "palm-reading" was proof to that effect. Apollo just laughs in response.

Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't her palm reading happen on New Caprica, which would be months after all the events in Razor are taking place?

Now, if I'm right, the question is: was this a minor oversight by the writers or an intentional hint as to Starbuck's role/knowledge of things to come?


I assume she was referring to the discussion with the "captured" Leoben, when he told her about having a destiny. This was way before Razor, so it isn't a plot hole.


It is not a assumption, Leoben did talk to Starbuck about her destiny when he was being held on the Galactica.


Yes he did.


I think you are looking for things that aren't there to fit your theory rather than fitting your theory round the evidence.


Starbuck says to Lee that a "cylon palm-reader" told her she had a destiny to fulfill, so Lee would have to see her until the end: it was Leoben she was referring to, as the others here wrote.
