MovieChat Forums > Britz (2007) Discussion > Question about the faked death (Spoiler)

Question about the faked death (Spoiler)

How did the Pakistani terrorist group manage to have another girl's body "available" to be mistaken for Nasima's body (and with such a remarkable facial resemblance to Nasima)? Are we supposed to assume that this was a previous recruit in the training camp who had decided not to go through with a mission and had therefore been murdered by them in order to provide a "body double" for Nasima? I suppose that would explain how they also have the girl's passport, which they later give to Nasima before she returns to England.


I'd say thats a reasonable assumption. Alternatively, they actively murdered someone random for their passport and body...


I used to work for a life assurance company and it was common practice for some people who came from less developed parts of the world to travel back there at retirement age for a "holiday" then send back a death certificate and charred corpse and have the resultant life assurance money sent out there. It was all a retirement scam and so easy to pull off that we stopped offering cover for people who "died" in this way.

Frome the several cases like this a week that we used to deal with, it seems that corpses and death certificates are easy to come by in some parts of the world
