MovieChat Forums > Britz (2007) Discussion > If you want to describe prejudice....

If you want to describe prejudice....

Just have a look at the productions the two main characters have worked on over
the last few years ,

"hi guys we're looking for some Asians to play terrorists"

God forbid they get used as lawyers, police or politicians,

(unless of course there's a twist)


I think you are wrong there - I have seen asian characters (portrayed by asians, of course) in various productions as physicians, barristers and police men, and no twist in sight. And quite right too, they occupy these professions in real life, why should they not portray them on TV/movies? Unfortunately terrorist suicide bombers in the UK are invariably muslim - not all muslims are asians of course, some are european (Bosnian, etc), but where such characters appear, it would be ridiculous to cast some David Beckham (e.g) lookalike, since at least some semblance of authenticity is required.
