MovieChat Forums > Britz (2007) Discussion > Two Silly Questions :)

Two Silly Questions :)

This is all related to my viewing of Britz this past Sunday (11/30) and Monday (12/1) night (you could probably tell from my dating alone that I'm American )...

1) If I were to do something crazy, like, say, import the DVD of this program from ( ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1228227260&sr=8-1[), is there anything I need to do, concerning the PAL format with my NTSC TV? I haven't watched any non-Region 1 DVDs on my TV before, but I have a hand-me-down regionless DVD player from my brother, and I don't know whether he had to do anything special to watch his Region 2 West Wing DVDs.

2) And BTW, did anyone here watch the BBC America broadcast of this two-parter on TV on Sunday and Monday night, as well? Just curious.


This is the Happy House
We're happy here, in the Happy House...



1) My sons got one of their DVD players adjusted so it can play all region DVDs. Apparently, the thing won't work else.

2) Yes, I sat through Britz on Sunday and Monday. I also recorded it, just in case I want to go back and check things, and also someone else might want to see it.

By the end I was so bloody depressed I just went to bed with a Kinsey Millhone book and read myself to sleep. I simply don't know what to say.


1) I have several region-free DVD players (because, we buy quite a bit of stuff
from Amazon.UK) and they take the PAL format and play on NTSC TVs just fine.

2) And, yes, we watched on BBC America, too. It was so heavy, we watched a recorded episode of Graham Norton (with Robin Williams) to decompress.

- I'm still processing it all. Mostly, it confirmed my thoughts that the Patriot Act could be mis-utilized fairly easily, too.


Thanks for the replies thus far.

I also recorded it on tape, and I don't think I like recording movies off of non-premium cable anymore -- too many commercial breaks, and I highly dislike the bleeping-out of the profanity (I know it can be done without, but still, I'm a completist like that -- I like my gratuitous profanity where it is) .

Other than that, though -- so I really don't need to buy any extra parts or anything for my DVD player? *edit* I just called my brother now and he said, "no." Why is that? I know that VHS tapes needed to be converted from PAL to NTSC and vice versa, but why do DVDs not need this?

*second edit* Alright, my brother says that the DVD *does* need an internal PAL-to-NTSC converter, and he says the DVD player he left me has one... Hm..

Thanks again.

This is the Happy House
We're happy here, in the Happy House...
