MovieChat Forums > Suspension Discussion > Good movie except for 3 things

Good movie except for 3 things

I saw this movie twice and enjoyed it except for the fact that the big 5 of investigative analysis wasn't thoroughly covered; what, why, how, when, where. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to shoot this movie down since I really did like it but just nagged me on a couple of points. On that note, I figured this movie would've gone a bit further if 1) an explanation for the stop time process had been covered, 2) a few more action scenes and consequences of the stop time process were presented, and 3) a distinguishable sound effect accompanied the stop time process activation since it should have always been something special and suspenseful rather than a quiet click of a button. Other than that, I consider this movie to be pretty much though provoking.


1) Why? Daniel doesn't know, he has no interest in figuring it out to market it (he already has the ability and is using it).
2) Why? I was a little bothered when, in time-stop, Daniel picked up the keys and they jangled (which they shouldn't, as they are immune to gravity in time-stop and he wasn't moving them enough to have it be an effect from him), but action sequences would have meant nothing to the story.
3) Why? The directors and editor did add a sound effect (though applicable to Sarah in most instances), but it isn't an earth-shattering event. It is a personal power, and a subtle (to the rest of the world) one at that.


Good movie except for three things:

1. bad writing
2. bad acting
3. got so bored I did my nails for the last half.


So don't keep us in suspense (suspension? lol): how did your nails come out? ;-)

I personally liked the movie a lot. I guess it's not surprising to see a lot of negative comments on IMDb though. I've come to expect that from movies I enjoy.


Just got around to seeing this and overall I thought it was pretty good for a low budget movie, but the thing that makes it sort of bad for me is the woman's actions in the last 20 minutes. She finally gets the camera and goes to the police with the guy tied up and talking about a magic camera? That was colossally stupid. Also destroying the camera in the end.

Granted she just went through a pretty messed up experience but has she no curiosity at all? When she first got the camera I was hoping she would tie him up and have him explain what was happening or how the camera worked, THEN think about how to turn him in without making herself look like a crazy person.

Don't try to cash in love, that check will always bounce.
