Conservative My Eye!

Conservative my eye! The only thing that kept Savannah from being a full blown hippie/liberal was that she didn't wear Birkenstocks... She volunteered with a Habitats For Humanity type of organization AND she wanted to work with mentally challenged children. Actually, the use of "conservative" to describe her character, must have come from the Swedish director. In Sweden, a conservative girl is one who's straight-laced... Doesn't drink, smoke, *beep*... In America, conservative girls party, don't volunteer to build houses and most definitely don't go to college to get a degree based on a high level of altruism.


Hello? Conservative has more than one meaning. Is does not have to be reference to he political persuasion.


Hello: in my post I gave an example of the director's possible version/interpretation of "conservative" and it has nothing to do with politics...
