John didn't age

From the beginning on his surfboard until the ending when he sees Savannah for the last time the character didn't age a bit. Since he was minted in 1980 he would have been 21 at 9/11 with a couple of Army years under his belt at the start of the movie.

He served at a minimum of 12 years (good conduct because of the GOLD longevity stripes). The movies shows him advancing in rank throughout but he doesn't age even a little.

I did 24 years as a US Navy squid and looked a heck of a lot different after I hit my 12 year mark. Most of my time was at sea during that portion of my career and I wasn't even getting shot at. (I didn't have people shooting at me until later than that).

One would think that constant combat action would age soldiers more than the rest of us. Especially after the higher ranks when the responsibilities increase as they do.


If there's a way to screw something up, the "O'Commie regime" will find it EVERY SINGLE TIME!! Only 176 more days left!
