great film

I just watched the entire thing on youtube and it brought tears to my eyes. Very well-made documentary. It was amazing to get to see the faces of some of the people in his life that had been more or less "behind the scenes," ie. Everett True, Jack Endino, Tracy Marander, etc. This film really enriched my former knowledge of the accepted history of his life. Two enthusiastic thumbs up.


Decent docu that is marred by some ridiculous interview choices. Katja the completely high and obviously full of sh*t eyewitness, the Church of Kobain nutball, and the 2 old hippie ladies in tie-dyed shirts... The amount of time spent on these absolutely worthless interviews really hurt the film's credibility. There was no point. I wanted to punch Everett True in the face, but at least he had a reason to speak.

You saw Dingleberries?


I concur.

A hideous cast and a horrible voice over.

"ah have always depended upon the strangeness of kindness..."


There was some good talking heads and other poor ones.

It did well in combining the life and rise of Kurt Cobain and the last 2 days.

Its that man again!!
