The Ending (spoilers)

Great movie. Just saw it last night in London. One question, though. Does anyone here think it would've been even better if had ended earlier? Like with the kiss in the car or when she drives away in the taxi?

I don't know. For me, the actual ending was kind of a letdown. The three of them sitting around like not much has changed. Of course, that's usually how it really is on New Year's Day but it felt weird. (And BTW, I grew up on the Scorpions, so it's not the song...)

"I used to live at home. Now I stay at the house." - Paul Westerberg


I fully agree. I wish it had a little more of an open-ended ending, so you don't know what happens with the other couple (ie did he find out about her attempted kiss with Scoot -what a silly name by the way-)...or if Scoot and girl stay together (I sitll like the fact they didnt).

Other thoughts...
Wish we'd seen more of the dynamics of Scoot, flatmate and Ming. It was the most interesting part of the film.
Loved the scene where when Scoot and thingy kiss, the director chooses to show us the losers of the night, the other blind date guy who got fobbed off, and her ex.

By the way, her redneck ex should have been played by someone better looking, it looked cartoony to have a psychotic ex, that was older and nowehre near as attractive as her, it took some drama out of it

Coz lifes too short to listen to Madlib


I think the ex was played by the director or writer or something which is probably why they weren't all that cinematic.

O that blue, blue shirt of yours


Its all Vanity...

Coz lifes too short to listen to Madlib


I thought it was going to end after they kissed in the car too - if it had ended then I would have walked out of the theatre with more of a spring in my step. But I did think that what happened after that was more realistic - that morning after come down in the cold light of day, same s**t to deal with as always. Bittersweet

Last three movies seen:

The Mist 9/10
Diary of the Dead 4/10
The Happening 5/10


Nope. I don't like typical Hollywood/Fairytale endings, so I'm glad it didn't end in the car. Plus, we would not have found out why Vivienne became so upset when Wilson shared his secret with her. I think that scene was so important.


i fully disagree. it shows the next day, how things are back normal. how that kiss with the asian girl was nothing, things like that happen its ok. and the scorpions finale made the whole ending.


I agree generally with the last poster.The ending made the movie truly complete.It was bittersweet,real but meaned also a new beginning.As Wilson understands it,he realizes what the last night meant and that the new day won't be anything like when he woke up in the morning a day ago(and he starts singing too).
The film proves what impact can cause the meeting of two people on each others life even in such a limited period(that's what about it is:together they manage to get a way out of their personal issues by clearing their minds,findig themselves again and facing the realities of their lives).
About the kiss - it changes nothing - but it's not a 'nothing' in a positive way i think,just as the ring wouldn't probably change a thing...the friends's relationship looks strong only on the surface:it isn't solid,it's pretty one-sided(as we see from the little gestures,plans for the future) and taken side by side with Wilson and Vivian's emotion-fuelled and honest encounter dosen't get much chance.These two people really create unique magic for a day in spite of their conditions and live enjoying the moment once they realize it.

'Most people respect the badge.Everybody respects the gun.'(De Niro as Turk in 'Righteous Kill')


I swear it was like lord of the ring III: I thought the damn movie was gonna end like 3 times. Though I'm glad she shared her secret, that was important. I thought it should have ended there.


I thought the ending was perfect. Had they ended with the kiss in the car, that would have been a complete pandering to the Hollywood crowd where endings must always be happy.

I thought post-car kiss showed a script with a lot of complexity, and really added more depth to the female lead (also making sense of some of her earlier actions). Yes a part of me wanted the characters to fall in love and end up together, but I respect the writers for wanting to write something realistic.


I loved this film except for the groan-inducing pregnancy reveal at the end and the cheap morning-after sex scene. Just too predictable, IMO.

But that final scene with his roommate and the new fiancee was pitch-perfect.


Liked the end the way it was. Outro song by a german band, btw. Helps our cinematic minority-complex a little bit. very little bit.


I liked the ending as it was.
Sort of tragic, but with a little hope.


For me it really made the film just seem so much more real. I had a moment like this once with a girl (Not on New years eve though) and though she wasn't pregnant she revealed a reason why we couldn't be together, and thus, I never saw her again. This ending just made the story and the characters seem so much more believable and explained all the wholes and questions I had been asking about the characters through out the film. It was also good to hear Wilsons Ex on the phone, she became a forgotten part of Wilson in the film and reminded us of why he was there in the first place.

If the Film eneded on the Kiss - I would have been very disappointed. I know sometimes (and myself as an editor also) that it's sometimes great just to end a film and leave questions to be asked about the characters (A great example is 'The Wrestler') but this ending made me come away with so much more from the film.

Thumbs up from me!!


Anyone else think that her secret could have came earlier in the narrative?

I still enjoyed it, but having her secret in the open, not at the same time as Wilson's secret, after it, would have sparked curiosity and emphasis about what would happen by the end of the evening and following morning.


The ending was great
and although heartbreakingly bittersweet I wouldn't change it for anything.


I just saw it online, and loved the movie. I thought the ending was great. It was sad knowing that the two of them weren't going to be together, but Wilson was a new man. He was singing and happy and seemed to have a new outlook on things. Very good movie.

Of all the things I ever lost, I miss my mind the most.


Can someone give me a quick summary of what happens in the last 30 mins? I kinda forget everything after they grab all the stuff from the apartment before the boyfriend arrives...


I wish it had been extended just a little longer, seeing Vivienne in the car looking out the window at the skyline, seeing life pass by and hers about to go on.

Although, it would have taken away from the coming full circle idea.

Everybody wants to be found.


I agree. didnt want it to end . Gave it a 10/10 . We need more movies like this!
