For the Sake of Elena

1. I was slightly aghast to see them arriving in Grantchester and suddenly there's the church and the big white house AKA the parsonage as portrayed in "Grantchester" the series only it's not the parsonage but the house of the artist. And even better, the camera angle is exactly the same.

2. Inspector Lynley and Havers were walking on the campus of Cambridge in a quad and it was a huge quad with a long sidewalk (pavement) leading to a very large, majestic doorway. You know those doorways with the porter's window? My problem is that I have seen the very same scene with Morse and Lewis, only it was Oxford and not Cambridge. So do they have identical buildings on the campus of Oxford and Cambridge or what?


Both Oxford and Cambridge have old colleges with quads. You can often go and visit, especially through the summer months, tho some colleges allow more access than others.

Whether For the Sake of Elena was filmed in Cambridge or not I don't know.
