MovieChat Forums > Klass (2007) Discussion > Better than Elephant but inferior to Ban...

Better than Elephant but inferior to Bang Bang You're Dead

Just an opinion though, I'm not presenting it as fact.
I think they're all worth watching, but if anyone out there is trying to decide between the three, I recommend Bang Bang You're Dead first!


Elephant was garbage. I haven't seen Bang Bang movie yet. Klass was exceptional.


QFT agnot. Elephant is worthless compared to this movie. This one is way realistic and believable. And I also haven't seen the Bang Bang movie but I don't think it can be as good as Klass.


Watch Bang Bang You're Dead

You won't regret it!


yeah bang bang is deffinetly the best of the school shooter movies, mostly because it doesn't show either side as being glorified. (bullying & shootings) yeah elephant is garbage totally.


"Elephant" was garbage? So is your opinion, worthless garbage..

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


I didn't like Elephant either. I guess that makes my opinion wrong too?

My vote history:


No, "Elephant" is an experimental, non-linear film, and alot of people don't like it. But "Klass" and "Elephant" have the same thing going for them; they are both unconventional, non-commercial works, while "Bang Bang" is very mainstream, and very corny. Also, while the other two films feel real, Bang Bang feels like nothing more than a tv drama. The "happy ending" doesn't help it either.

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


Well, okay. The reason I didn't like Elephant much wasn't because it's an experimental, non-linear film... so is my favorite film, Du Er Ikke Alene, and many more of my favorites. I just didn't buy the psychology of Elephant, and that's the most important part to me in any movie.

I haven't seen Bang Bang, so I can't comment on that.

My vote history:


Maybe you'd like to explain how you found anything about it corny?



IMDB users' favourite word - pretentious! Hohoho what a surprise. There is nothing pretentious about Bang Bang You're Dead. And next to Klass, can you really say Bang Bang is more pretentious? Think about it. and my question was how you found it corny anyway.

"Because it's a nerd's fantasy with over-exaggerated characters and scenarios"

OK. Nerd's fantasy. A guy who gets bullied decides he won't put up with it any longer. The film is inspirational. The characters are not "over-exaggerated" - neither are the scenarios - one of the great things about it is it's not something you see every day. Maybe if you'd been bullied once you would feel the same way that most people who see this film feel - they want to tell everyone they know about it.

"The protagonist has a hot girlfriend." Cliché maybe, but not corny. It works.

I'm not going to even reply to your comment about the teacher.

Oh and it's not supposed to be an action film... no point complaining about the lack of dead people really.


maybe you should change the topic and put SPOILERS IN THIS THREAD as topic!!! *beep* moron. youre ruining the end for people who havent watched it. how can you be so *beep* ignorant?!


it wasn't me with the spoilers lol. grow up


Wasn't a big fan of Bang Bang either. I just found it kinda made-for-tv-ish. that being said I saw it a long time ago, but from what I remember I wasn't a big fan.
Elephant was too dream-like. Indeed it was a beautiful film, but the character were very vague and at some points I found the film to be monotonous and boring.
Klass imo is the best out of the three. Nothing is watered down. The characters are like people we see everyday. I looked at it as if it were a documentary.


Bang Bang You're Dead is awful. Elephant is a modern masterpiece. The Klass was in the middle-range, quite enjoyful but just too damn common. Too bad.


... in your opinion.

but the majority of voters don't share your opinion. that doesn't mean you're wrong, but your personal opinion is not a fact.


What about Zero Day? The shooting scenes were disappointing, but it connected with its viewers on a more emotional level.
Bang Bang You're Dead was a good movie, but I probably wouldn't watch it again if I had the opportunity.
And even though Elephant had its really dull and useless moments, Alex's character and behavior, his need to kill alone made it a movie worth watching.


Sure they are my opinions, I thought that was kind of obvious...

Majority of voters suck anyway so that isn't a too good point.



I'd put them in this order;

Bang Bang You're Dead
Zero Day

The first three are very close, though. They're all really good.


I do think too that Elephant is a modern masterpiece.


You mean elephant is a modern piece of garbage.


bang bang you're dead was a superb movie, one of my favourites, however it wasn't anywhere near as realistic as this movie. i enjoy realism in my movies so i prefered this to bang bang.


Did anyone see the belgium movie: Ben-X
that is a very good movie about this subject as well. very different ending though.


Elephant is overrated garbage. The characters aren't convincing enough and the shooting scene is so freaking dream-like it's ridiculous. Heart of America is one of Uwe Boll's best but the characters aren't convincing enough and the movie strays too far away from the actual subject matter. Home Room isn't quite as good as people say it is and, like HoA, it strays too far away from the actual massacre. Medley is a bad Columbine movie but a good Troma movie. Bang Bang You're Dead is pretty decent for a made-for-television movie but it's not one of my faves. Hostage High shouldn't even get a mention because it's based on an entirely different massacre but, like Bang Bang You're Dead, it's such a good television movie that I think it deserves a word or two. Duck! The Carbine High Massacre is a really funny movie and it's definitely not as offensive as these stupid Media Watchdog groups are making it out to be. Zero Day and Klass are beyond the shadow of a doubt the greatest Columbine-themed films to be released.

Other films I recommend in terms of school violence are ''Class of 1984'', ''Dark Matter'', and ''Polytechnique''.

To the world you may just be somebody, but to somebody you may just be the world.



Elephant is far superior to either film in my opinion, Bang Bang Your Dead is sentimental oversimplified garbage, and this just blames school shootings on bullies. Elephant is smart enough to realise that the root cause for horrible acts like these is a far more complex and deeper issue then ZOMG THEY WERE BULLIED! People complain that it is unrealistic but that's the point, the charecters oblivious behavior signifies our obliviousness to all the horrible stuff like this that's going on around us.

Then people complain that it is too slow but the reason is because it's slowness:

Lulls the viewer into a trans like state before the carnage at the end.

The tracking shots simply follows the charecters through there day giving the movie a very neutruel, objective point of view. Not trying to tell us why it happened because that would be silly to take such a complex issue and try to say "this is why it happens", like Klass did, oversimplifying the issue.

We are introduced to lots of charecters through the tracking shots, that while we don't get to know them, they have a lot of symbolic significance.

We see the boredom of an everyday school day, perhaps trying to say that the boredom and repitition of everyday life made the killers feel repressed, causing them to commit this crime.

The film takes us through the killers day, just observing, giving us a bunch of possible reasons why this act was commited, but never really saying which reasons are the correct reasons for this thing happening.

Bang Bang Your Dead and Klass were both very simple minded movies, which is why they were not as good as Elephant.



How can anyone say that lousy, corny made for tv movie "Bang Bang You're Dead" is superior to THIS film? That was such unrealistic tripe. The school is about to get shot up and...the hero steps in at the last minute and stops the massacre? how can anyone take that film seriously. It was like "Highschool Musical" with a bit of an edge..

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


I disagree.

