MovieChat Forums > Valkyrie (2008) Discussion > What was the thing Goebbels put out of h...

What was the thing Goebbels put out of his mouth after Major Remer left?

What was the thing Göbbels put out of his mouth after Major Remer left his room, after talking to Hitler on the phone? It looks like he choked it out.


It was a cyanide pill. A lot of top ranking Nazis had them in case they had to kill themselves if things went awry.


More precisely, it was a cyanide capsule.

The cyanide itself was encased in a capsule (a thin plastic of some kind?), and could be held under the tongue almost indefinitely.

That way, there was almost no chance of the cyanide actually coming into contact with the mouth, and doing its work, before the individual was ready.

Whenever ready or necessary, the individual bites down on the capsule until it breaks open, and the cyanide does its thing.


But you would think your saliva would dissolve the plastic if you kept the pill in your mouth too long!


At that point in time (and probably today), it would have been glass. Sure you'd cut your mouth if you bit it, but who cares... you'd be dying almost immediately anyway.


Actually they were glass enclosed in a rubber sleeve; the rubber protects from accidental breakage, and to use, you bite down hard enough to break the glass. The contents escape thru a gap in the sleeve., a website for architecture and visual culture


always wondered what would happen if you accidentally swallowed one, without breaking.


Since glass can't be processed by your stomach it should safely leave your body next time you need to visit toilet for big one (or stay stucked safely in your body). Same as plastic bags containing cocaine smuggled by mules, glass is much safer when already in body.

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