MovieChat Forums > Machete (2010) Discussion > 'The border crossed YOU!'

'The border crossed YOU!'

Sweet Christ this movie was god awful. Would love to see Machete try this nonsense in his home country, where there are two kinds of politicians: crooked ones on the take, and ones that end up headless in a ditch.

Considering how disgustingly corrupt Mexico has become, you'd think these directors and stars would make a movie taking on the corrupt police, military, politicians and rampant drug lords, but no, instead they're going after Don Johnson and a check cashing scenery chewing Bobby De Niro.


"you'd think these directors and stars would make a movie taking on the corrupt police, military, politicians and rampant drug lords"

**Why would one think that? The USA has always been very pragmatic about "going after itself". So long as its still a major player on the world stage (*cough, cough*) such entertainment can be seen as a strength. I, too, think Machete was pretty bad, so maybe we'd better use another example...

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