Did she died???

Did Rachel died? because you know at the end, it shows her friend and someone is asking her "If you were to be HIV positive would you tell anyone?" and she said "I don't know, my bestfriend Rachel died"


She said "I don't know what I would do IF my best friend Rachel died"


But she does die anyway. I mean, she's HIV positive. She just didn't die in the movie.

Me: Brenda just got arrested! Suzette: Brenda?? Our neighbor?! Me: No, Brenda Walsh!


You can live for years with HIV. There are so many ways to help it now.


Yeah. Didn't Jennie Garth's character say that as long as she takes her pills, it is almost undetectable in her body or something.

That ain't no Etch-A-Sketch. This is one doodle that can't be un-did, Homeskillet.


Yeah thats what she said

"When a relationship doesn't work out, I call that a relation$HIT"~Dane Cook



yeah it may be controled to an extent but you'll still die eventually. some people can contract hiv and the virus won't show up in blood work or anything for years. some even their entire lives. but at the same time many people contract it and die within a few years as it progresses into aids and mutates. the hiv/aids virus changes so rapidly it's almost impossible for scientists or doctors to really cure it. anything they find that does is usless by the time it would hit the market for use in medical situations. safe sex or no sex and getting tested are the only real ways to prevent it. end medical information rant.


Well, we WILL all die anyways, from one thing or another, but yeah, she will die from complications brought on by having HIV, or if it turns into AIDS. And probably a lot earlier than if she didn't have it.

Jesus Saves


That's why we should start putting less importance on things in this world, because they will only last for so long.

*Mercedes*~Don't be offended.


AIDS medication is so advanced now that you can live your entire life with HIV and never get AIDS. So just because she is HIV positive does not mean that she will die.


You gotta turn on the subtitles. I think every television has them, and some networks/cable.
