
Someone else who saw it, not yet completely finished, went on and on about it.
Apparently the "crime" genre was turned upside down. The film doesn't visit any common places in a common way. It's poetic, tragic, beautiful to look at and, according to the eyewitness, it's so enthralling that it feels short in spite of its over 100 minute length.
Can't wait.

Annie B


I's hardly surprising. If you're familiar with Martin Donovan's eclectic work.
I had the pleasure to meet him in Ireland back in 1983 when he was shooting "State Of Wonder" He worked in USA, Argentina, UK, Mexico and now Italy. His last movie, the ill fated "Somebody Is Waiting" dates back to 1996, so this is a bit of a come back and I, for one, am cheering.


I met him briefly. I was stunned. He speaks fluent Italian. When he looks at you you feel something I don't know how to explain it. I think that Martin Donovan is from another planet. A better one.


I can explain that, leodipaolis. He is light, he has angel. I love him
