
Did anyone else notice how the faces resembled different celebrities? Anna looks like Rosario Dawson, Nina a little like Angelina Jolie and then there was a man on the train with the face of Christopher Walken? I sort of recognize Roger, Stefan, Ivan and the bodyguard as well.


Yea, Roger looked like Vincent Cassel. I thought Nina looked like Rchael Weisz.


Nina looked to me more like Kate Hudson that she did Rachel or Angelina. According to an article in Kultur, Nina was based on a woman who worked in a make-up store that the film makers visited in Stockholm.

"Is it bright where you are? Have the people changed? Does it make you happy you're so strange?"


The guy trying to seduce Anna was Bill Clinton.

The thorn defends the rose, yet it is peaceful and does not seek conflict.


Roger looks almost identical to electronica artist,Moby, i thought.


It's quite funny to see how people have recognized these sometimes not very similar people in these amalgamation characters. I had that feeling a few times while watching - that I recognized someone, but not sure from where. Ivan Bahn(Udo Kier) was definitely a large portion Brick Top from Snatch though.

If dolphins are so smart, how come they live in igloos
