It wasn't that bad!

For a low-budget film froma first time feature director it really wasn't bad at all. It would have benefited from a little tighter editing and a more tuned up script, of course, but for what it was, I wasn't bored and actually kind of liked it.

Thankfully, none of the Lordi characters had any dialogue or it could have gotten ugly. But I thought each of the characters was done pretty well. And really kind of appreciated how they were each treated. If you had never seen any of the characters before, (and I have seen them live!) These creatures were pretty solid and I liked Amen's sandstorm and demise. Ox (my personal fave) was pretty imposing and Mr. Lordi's presence was made rather menacing with the CGI cape and engulfing darkness.

Sure, it ain't gonna win any awards but compared to some of the crappy horror films I've seen lately, this is betterthan most. Just kick back and enjoy it and you will.
