The book vs the film

The main themes are there, but they totally changed the plot and removed a main character and some events. I thought the book was much more depressing, and the betrayal was much worse than in the film. The removed character had a large role to play in that (Jasper Black's girlfriend) and I was very disappointed that they somewhat simplified the book when they wrote it for the screen.


I haven't seen the film yet, but I know from comments that the book and film are quite different.
No girlfriend.? She had a pretty important storyline in the book. I am surprised that she is not in the film.

And Jasper, in the book had a pretty large part, and was not really a nice guy.
And I am senseing that the ending is quite different then the book.

From what I am reading, Ewan's role is not very substantial.
I was hoping for more of him in the film.

I know that the book and films are not always the same, but I like it when they are more like each other then this looks to be.

But---I am looking forward to seeing it...


It isn't bad by all means, since it's nice to see words transformed into pictures, and it's really great when a film stays true to its book and you're practically seeing the book come to life on screen. But it's not the case here. I would have loved to see the ending from the book in the film.


...or anything else from the book.


I still haven't seen the film..[May} but I have read reviews of the film, and there are quite a few differences. The changes are not what I would have wanted, but I will watch the film, and try not to compare it to the book.

I didn't have to read the book first, but I chose to do so. Now I will have to block it out of my mind when watching the film.

I think I will like both the film and the book. I always enjoy Ewan, no matter how large or small his role is....


...then you will definitely like the film because you will be seeing "a lot" of Ewan in it


Hmmmmmmmmmmmm That's great Maui3, but I read that Ewan wasn't in it to much.
Or are you meaning soemting else!!!
If so then Yes, that is always a plus...


scot, you can see it on the net. It's out there it.


I just read the book last month and had no idea there was a film of it already.

Reading the cast list my first thought was: where's Petra? And my second was Matthew Macfadyen as Terence? He's a decent actor but I'd pictured Terence as 50-ish!

I realise you always have your own film version in your head, which no adaptation can ever match, so I when I get to see this (as I do hope to) I will have to completely forget the book.

I can't imagine any film being brave enough to keep the original ending, but my biggest obstacle will be the lead character - her voice is so strong and authentically East End I am struggling to imagine an American in the role. I do very much like Michelle Williams though, so again - I'm a bit wary but intrigued!


'I'd pictured Terence as 50-ish!' Sarah-60

Me too, the fact he's such a senior copper and also the dress sense/caravan club thing, definitely saw him at least 40s (but old fashioned with it).


I did manage to see it on the interent. I also ordered the DVD.
It is not there for viewing anymore.

I liked the film, and I loved Ewan in it, although I would love to have more of him in the film.
He was much nicer in the film then in the book.
I liked the film's ending better then the book.

I don't know why the film wasn't released in the US and why it didn't go over better where it was released.
It was very much worth seeing.

Ewan said in an interview that he thought Michelle's character was best role for a woman that he had ever seen, and he enjoyed just being in the film with Michelle..
Just like Ewan to compliment the other actor.
He is a sweet caring man.

Thanks Maui3.


I have not read the book yet, but I have to expect that a film is NEVER the same. I think most folks know that by now.

Ca you think of any instances where the film was actually better than the book?


I still have 50 pages left of my book -while watching the movie I thought -how the hell is he going to manage to get that plot within the last few pages...
I thought th emovie was absolutely rubbish...
They left out all the essential parts which made the book bloody fantastic.
An even bigger mistake is casting an american instead of someone managing the East End slang.
I freakin hated the movie... happy I can get back to my book and my black Terrence Butcher, the rapist Jasper Black and his crazy coldhearted Petra, the pikey young mother and -yeah why didnt they even make the effort to style Mr Rabbit as descriped in the book?


ech...I don't even want to look at this film. the way they changed the film and the book is much to far removed. Why the hell is petra not in it?? And matthew mcfadyen as Terrence..what?

EDIT - I watched it, quite good but it's a fart compared to the bomb the book is. The news and mourners make it look very plausible and her thinking she's seeing the dead boy is very touching. But the liberties taken with the plot irritated me and the book is much more complex. And I imagined Terrence Butcher as a more Gene Hunt kind of appearance and a lot more sturdy and intimidating.
