MovieChat Forums > Incendiary (2008) Discussion > Felt sadness for the lost son

Felt sadness for the lost son

I felt so much sadness for her loosing her son like that, i don't think one can ever enjoy life after such a horrible death to there child. The one thing I really wished the film would have given more of was just what happened to her and her husband. I know it was not stated because the writer did not want viewers to get even more story and plots than we already was given,witch was a lot, but wondering did she really even care he died, oh well I guess the son was enough to handle at one time. I felt Just because they were having problems and she having an affair did not mean they were not still in love with each other. I guess i am hoping they weren't that bad to at least feel better about her as a person then some posters feeling she was hard to have sympathy for.
