MovieChat Forums > Incendiary (2008) Discussion > The baby's father was.....

The baby's father was.....

most definitely Jasper's.

You have to look at things inferred AND said.
By the actions between husband and wife, they were disconnected
and were not having sex.
We of course know she had sex with Jasper.

and as for Terrence, he said he thought of them together
but "not like that". "I will be your friend"
and then in the RV, she said "I've thought of us together, so I need you to tell me this is not true" (talking about the fact that he knew about the bomb threat).

So to me, this says she wanted to be with him, but needed to know
this about him FIRST.

There was no doubt left in my mind that it is Jasper's baby.

Now, although I loved the movie, I wouldn't watch it again.
It's not the type of film you can watch over and over... once is enough.

I would of liked to have seen her accept and fall in love with Jasper at the end... however, not enough time had passed so it would of felt 'not right'.

Maybe showing a year later and she is on that beach with her new son and in the distance we see Jasper walking towards her and she looks up and smiles.
I just felt he really really cared about her even though it was a "two-night stand" at first.

I felt it was unnecessary to mention Osama Bin Laden by name, at the end
as if HE is the ONLY one ever responsible for terrorist bombings.
I think a more general plea for peace was more in order.

I sure would like to have read the letter from the wife of
the bomber. I could see how badly she felt and I'm sure she didn't know what her husband was up to.

With the mom asking the boy what his father was like allowed
us to see that although the father was a bomber, he was also actually a
father and probably a good/funny one.

These suicide bombers have reasons. To them, they are very good reasons and make perfect sense. Of course we don't understand that, nor should we try to understand because suicide bombing is in no way reasonable... or right.

but I am just saying, I am SURE all of us have done something for our reasons even if it made no sense to others.


Which is worse: blowing up families of innocent people by dropping bombs on them from a height, or blowing up families of innocent people by blowing yourself up?

The first has led to the second, which is blowback from 60 years of messing with other peoples' countries and lives.

Who is wrong and who is right?



Yes, a disgraceful incident. While you're at it, you might like to look up the German blitzkrieg of Coventry, and the relentless bombing of London.



Yeah well if the Germans and Japanese didn't like their cities being firebombed then maybe they shouldn't have started the war to begin with. They started the war but we ended it. Don't expect any tears from me.


We, the US, killed how many innocents in Iraq?

WHO started THAT war? Bush


The name Osama Bin Laden is used in a metaphorical sense to represent ALL terrorists just as the World Trade Center towers were destroyed because of what they represented to the terrorists who attacked them. I don't believe anyone really believes Osama Bin Laden is the only person ever responsible for terroristic bombings, but he is a very strong symbol representing a fanatical and violent group whose members choose to use these kind of tactics to gain attention for their beliefs. Therefore, when someone addresses Osama Bin Laden as in this movie it IS a plea to the many responsible for the violence wreaked by terroristic groups in general.


Some of you are elaborating that her and her husband were not really connected and this may not be true i felt she and her husband were going thru a rough time. She appeared to still love him but was finding her groove else where the film made no reference that they were splitting up. Having a affair does not mean she was out of love with her husband.


The movie does not want to reveal the father. It leaves it wide open who it could be. Just because one or the other is liked more doesn't make it true. It's ok to pick your favorite but it's just wishful thinking on the truth. It could also be that when she lost two she was also carrying one. Just what does climaxing when your family is being blown up has to do with her getting pregnant [Climax or not] in the light of this happening, It would seem as though every time she thinks of the child she could relapse in to what happened, so my favorite person to be the father would be her husband that would be the closes to what she lost........ Sort of reborn from the same.
