Misleading title?

Okay, so the movie is titled "The Adventures of Tintin".

But this movie only covers one adventure, so to be politically correct, I'm wondering why it isn't called "The Adventure of Tintin". I mean its the plural "adventures" vs. the singular "adventure". Know what I mean? lol


Adventures refers I guess to the several perilous escapades throughout the film that would be considered adventurous.


They plan on making a series so it would be a series of adventures.

But Gandalf! I don't want to be a Hobbit~~


You might have noticed there were several "adventures" in the one film.

I would say escaping from a ship is just one adventure. Ect......



Did you even watch the film?!?


You should looked up phrases before using them. Being "politically correct" has nothing to do with using "adventure" or "adventures."


Because if they had called it "The adventure of Tintin" you would have started a thread saying that the title is misleading because there is more than one adventure of Tintin, and "The adventure of Tintin" sounds like if it was the only one adventure of his.


Maybe they should have titled it "Tintin and the Secret of the Unicorn" :-)
