So, Tin Tin is bald

poor guy, a 18 years old with a HUGE hair receding line

The stupid have one thing in common.They alter the facts to fit their views not the other way


what are you even talking about??! I wonder... do you even know? I can only imagine you, an apparently adult patron, sitting there in the dark obsessing about a cartoon's receding hairline for the entire movie.

reality often really is stranger than fiction, and most anything one can imagine

Do you yourself suffer from male pattern baldness? THAT'S GOT to be the reason you'd worry about something so stupid.

It's going to be OK. Go buy some Rogaine or whatever and get back in the game.

...Ya weirdo.


Tintin isn't bald hahaha! He has loads of red hair. Bit tightly cut but he has hair none the less :D
