Bad facial animation.

I enjoyed this movie a lot and while a lot of the animation was simply superb, I was very disappointed with the way the facial expressions of the characters were animated. They were too static, too plain. Whether a person is really angry, or really happy, their facial expressions changed very little.

For anyone who is familiar with the comics knows that the characters in it, despite having a dot for an eye, had brilliant expressions. One could easily tell if Tintin was happy or puzzled or sleepy. In this movie, everybody seems to have the same look on their face for most of the movie.

Mr McGee, don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!


I'll take these animated faces over the creepy-looking countenance of the boy in 'Polar Express'. Now, for me, that was some extremely unsuccessful facial animation.


I disagree, though the expressions in the comic aren't bad per se they are hardly not so memorable. tintin always has the same duuuuuhhhhh expression and Haddock always seems to be clenching his teeth (or at least thats what it looks like to me).

the expression comes from the characters body language and this movie translates it from the book to the cinema almost perfectly.


You do understand motion capture was used so they're actually acting. You're honestly saying you didn't like the performances
