Cities in HD aspect ratio

I just got History Channel HD on Dish Network, and I don't understand the aspect ratio format of this show. I think they're doing it for others too; I'm not sure.

The show seems to be presented in 2.35:1 ratio, as if it was shot in scope, but it's obviously vertically squashed to that ratio. A History HD bug in the lower right indicates that there's nothing wrong with the aspect ratio my TV is displaying. As a result, there are black bars at the top and bottom of the screen (the bug overlaps it), but most of the shots of people are stretched out horizontally. It looks awful.

Why do they do this? If it's shot in 16:9, show it in 16:9! I can't stand it when the aspect ratio of something is messed with.


history channel HD has a real problem with airing 16:9 content stetched out rather than aired correctly, they aparently have people working at their station that don't know what they are doing


I've noticed that too. Sometimes they'll get it right, but often times they don't. When It's stretched, I often just watch the regular channel instead of the HD one, because it looks better.


Well they don't show it stretched anymore. Either they changed it on their own, or someone complained.
