Do people actually cook like this?

I find her recipes to be completely disgusting and unhealthy. Cooking good food is not hard. Why would someone want to eat all that processed food? It can not be because of time issues! I cook often time and it dosen't take me very long to make something tasty and nutritious (although if i am making something sepecial it could be awhile). Making a pasta sauces is so simple, there is no way I would buy a jarred one. When make your own food from scratch the tastes are 100& better. People need to ditch Sandra and her nasty crap and learn to cook real food. She is encouraging people to be lazy. Shame on her! And you know d amn well she does not eat that food she is cooking, look how skinny she is!


For all their processed, pre-packaged, hydrogenated, sugary unhealthiness, all of her creations also seem like they would take forever and require two kitchens to make. She is always having to rely on the old "I've got one already done over here" trick to get through her million steps of freezing, softening, re-freezing, toasting packaged sweetened shredded coconut, cutting an Entenmanns pound cake into ten paper thin layers, using a ziploc bag to pipe designs with a mixture of duncan hines frosting and kool whip watered down with Tang and dyed with food coloring, creating dipping sauces from equal parts jelly and hot sauce etc.

I watch her show any time I see it's on, though. I love the weirdness! Those tablescapes, and those vomitous cocktails using frozen lemonade concentrate and that blue liquor, in her novelty stemware...bizarre.



I'll go with "just cuz shes really hot."



I agree with the OP.

I think this tries to elevate SPAM to gourmet level, with tasteless (pardon the pun!) results.

I think she DOES fill the gap between those of us who are more educated about how to cook or what foods to use to get desired results and those of us who are used to eating at KFC and Dairy Queen.

I watch her sometimes, but only because I find her particular brand of tackiness interesting, in a weird way.

I've seen about seven or eight shows and there's not ONE recipe that I've been tempted to try, not even with my own ingredient improvisation.

Everythig looks icky to me.


Hey, I LIKE KFC and DQ...

Her food is WAY below that on a taste level. At least you can eat Fried Chicken and Burgers.

My god... she put TOFU and BERRIES in a drink today!!! How gross is that???


Ever notice how she's always saying "Log on right now and download these". Maybe they track popularity by how many downloads each show gets. I guess she doesn't get too many cause she always seems to be putting this plug in.


I'm not going to say that I never use little shortcuts when making food, but typically, that's when I'm making a quick meal for myself. I would NEVER make a meal for an actual event the way she does. The fact that she enjoys half-assing meals for friends and family is just appalling, and it's downright insulting to her guests.


i cook like this when there is NOTHING in the house to cook and i dont want to shop. there is no way i would share that food with anyone though, im embarrassed i ever do it. its gross and unhealthy.



i concur. one dish she made she added SALT to everything.. considering it is processed to begin with, i seriously doubt you should add a pinch of salt just to make it "YUM-O". i think paula's recipe's are healthier than what sandra mixes up. sandras dishes look so gross to me. obviously, she doesn't like what she cooks either. check out and search for sandra lee. all of her recipes listed have never scored about a "3" (i don't believe). read the reviews for her recipes and see what you think. i will never follow a Semi Homemade recipe.






I agree with the OP. But to answer the title, my husband cooks like this. His mom always cooked for him growing up so he never learned how and when he went to college this was how he cooked. He always said that he didn't really know how to cook which is why I see Sandra as someone who can't cook. Needless to say I do the cooking and I abhor prepackaged foods and adore 100% homemade foods.

(To A.N.)I really, truly, madly, deeply, passionately, remarkably, deliciously love you.
