The ending...why didn't they....

....actually stay and watch the concert?

Aren't you relieved to know you're not a golem?



That they found each other and didn't need it? I get that, but...can't they just go away from the other people and watch the freaking show?

Aren't you relieved to know you're not a golem?



So we could hear the lines:

nora - "Are you mad that we missed it?"
Nick - "We didn't miss it. This is it"

which are great lines.

You're an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill



Sarcasm noted

I didn't say they were the best lines ever but they are good lines to end a romantically themed movie.


You're an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill


I both agree and disagree with you. Speaking not just as an audience member but as an aspiring filmmaker myself. Both these main characters spend the whole movie looking for their "favorite band in the world." And in the end they ultimately decide not to see the show. I probably would've had them walk away and see the show together away from everybody else then just go to that ending where they depart into the subway tunnel hand in hand with different lines closing the film.

In another sense I disagree because in a film that is a romance above all else, it is very touching to know that them finding each other is better than finding any band they love. Who knows? Maybe Where's Fluffy? will have another show somewhere that they might go see together.

One of my biggest complaints about it is what kind of band would choose to have a show at 4 or 5 in the morning?


it's fluffy!
dont you ever heard about fluffy?




I asked myself that too
they achieved all objectives
the girl even had an orgasm

why cant they watch the show now?
