Worst cera's movie so far

I can't believe some people actually like this...the movie was so cliche.you could easily guess the ending.there wasn't anything new or original in this.no surprises

I'm usually optimistic when it comes to such movies. but this was absolutely disappointing.I wasn't satisfied at all

I have seen most of Cera's films.this one is definitely his worst.youth in revolt,scott pilgrim,superbad,juno were way better

I thought that at least the movie's gonna introduce some new bands but it didn't even do that.I really wanted to give it 6,but i can't.I gave it 5


My vote is Youth In Revolt. The trailer made it out to be a comedy and it turned out far darker and more serious than that.


Not while 'Year One' still exists.


I totally forgot Year One. Lol, thanks for reminding me.
