F, Marry, Kill:

I would F Tris, Marry Caroline and Kill Norah.

They are all good looking girls but Tris was super slutty so she is the obvious F. I would imagine most people would marry Norah and kill Caroline but there was just something about her sloppy mess of a self that I just wanted to wife up. From a financial standpoint it would make sense to marry Norah but I am pretty scummy but not enough to marry simply for money.


F Caroline, because she is hot as hell, but really is not a girl i would want to bring home to the parents.

Marry Norah, gorgeous, fun, music lover, intelligent and sarcastic as hell, that is my perfect woman.

Kill Tris. my god she is the most overrated unattractive girl i have ever seen. she gets talked about like she is so gorgeous but has a strange face of a little kid on a character that is a super slut. plus she is a ravenous bitch.



Marry Norah -- Funny, pretty, great body
F Caroline -- Kind of sexy but slutty, looks like she would be good in bed
Kill Tris -- Utter bitch, small breasts, looks like Miley Cyrus

"Oh, my God. Bear is driving! How can that be?!"


Marry Norah

F Caroline as long as she has no gum around and, y'know, mouthwash :P

Kill 'em all! Dexter style. Take Norah's money, go kidnap Jessica Alba and make off to Canada.

....fine, kill Tris.


This is funny reading it a year later now that Miley has been named the most beautiful women in the world..I can't say I agree with most beautiful but she is definitely hot in my book.


Beautiful by who? Maxim deemed her "hottest," but they also put cartoon characters, Michelle Obama, Stephen Colbert, and "Manti Teo's fake girlfriend" on their lists, so their credibility is less than trustworthy sometimes. Not to mention, like tradition, they still include irrelevant women who peaked before the new millennium, like Cameron Diaz and (dare I say) Jessica Alba


F: Norah
Marry: Caroline
Kill: Nick

Tris was hot but she had the body of a 12 year old so...no.


M: Nora. She's more my type. Funny, beautiful, down to Earth.

F: Trix. Slutty, über bitch, worth a roll in the hay.

K: Caroline. Funny but she'd be too drunk she wouldn't be able to remember my name afterwards.

Splatter movie Massacre Nick.
