The sex scene

in this movie was the cutest and sweetest sex scene I've ever seen in my life.



People consider sex a various number of things, including that.



tell that to Bill Clinton


I thought it was kinda pointless. The movie would have been better without it. But I guess Hollywood believes that sex sells.


I'm pretty sure they didn't just do it because sex sells. Did you happen to miss the whole deal they made about Norah never having an orgasm?


Yeah. I thought the whole point was that she was able to have an orgasm because she was into Nick who wasn't a complete jerk like her previous boyfriend.

Either that, or the bass isn't the only instrument Nick knows how to play.


I expect a teenage girl to say "I've never had sex" not to basically say "I've f^cked but haven't orgasmed" like she's missing something in life. That shyt was off-putting and made me wonder how many guys she's been f^cking for her to say she's never had an orgasm...


Wow. Someone has issues. Why are you being such a douche? She didn't have to *beep* dozens of guys to know she never had an orgasm, hell she didn't even need to *beep* a single guy. And it was about feeling safe enough with someone to let go, not about it being the most important thing in her life? Did you see her *beep* 20 guys in the movie to see if one could get her an orgasm? Chill, dude!

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


True, it was pointless having sex there and on their first night when they were quite busy and stressed. But yes, sex sells.


I agree. I think rather than show them doing anything, pulling back to the studio monitors was brilliant and touching. It really gave an sweet and innocent feel to the whole thing.

My wife pointed out that they Kat really played the after orgasm scene really well, with her funny breathing and looking like she just needed a minute.


It really gave an sweet and innocent feel to the whole thing.
Her moaning was quite explicit and not innocent at all!. Don't get me wrong, I loved this movie! And I liked how this scene was shot, I just don't find it innocent.


I thought the moaning was hot! Kat Dennings is a very sexy girl in my opinion and hearing how she sounds during an orgasm makes her even hotter

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I've no problem with the scene but I can't think of a good reason why Norah's orgasm history became part of the plot at all.

You're an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill


exactly. I dont think it would have made a difference if it was in or out of the movie


sorry this is sort of a stupid ? and isnt really about the movie but if you get fingered are you still considered a virgin?


I guess that all depends on the finger...




Maybe you should read the book...
In the book they state that Norah had sex with Tal but he told her she was really bad at it... So she isn't ment to be a virgin...


Hehehe, I'm used to sex in movies and am pretty desensitized when it comes to a sex scene, I don't feel outraged or anything, but this one actually made me blush, it was very sweet indeed

-A real friend stabs you in the front-


just hard to believe that George Michael Bluth can give a girl an orgasm, it's like wtf?!


on arrested development, it did imply they got somewhere with the whole sliding head first like pete rose comment though...


He's Mr. Manager, he can do anything.


Only 'sweet' sex scene I can think of thats up there with this one is the one from Benny & Joon.


The loves scene was outstanding. Spoilers! Everything has been done when it comes to love scenes but I have never seen this done before (with the cord and then the lights from the sound...) I also like that he just helps her, instead of going all the way. To me it felt much more realistic, and honestly I can't remember that happening in a film before (though it must have).

- No animal was hurt during the making of this burger -


I also like that he just helps her, instead of going all the way.

That was sweet, but it does mean he had to sit through a whole concert with blue balls. He probably went to the toilets for a tug during the gig and I for one find that unacceptable! Imagine using that cubicle after him?

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground, try this sig with spinach!


lol your bad for being oversexed some people are not like that at all


I'm tired of watching kids *beep* in movies actually.



Like the saying goes Bass Players Finger Better lol


Yeah, this scene was one of the most beautiful scenes ever. I just sat there and smiled all the time. If there's guys like Nick out there, then I guess there's still hope for mankind after all. To all the dudes who thinks that girls wants the badboy - watch this scene again and memorize what makes most girls turned on like hell; a funny, sweet and sensitive guy. Thats sexy alright


if chicks with tits as big as Norah are interested in the sweet, sensitive type ... then hell yeah, i'll drop the bad boy act ... too bad it only works in the movies ... in reality, all the hot chicks want bad boys who have a sensitive side tucked somewhere way far down ...


eh she faked it. the 'cold hands' comment was a dead give away that she wasn't gonna have one.


Andrew, i agree to a point... i agree that girls want bad boys but they don't really care if the sensitive side exists in reality. They'll invent a sensitive side in their mind as long as they think the guy is attractive. Then they'll read stuff like what i'm writing and try to convince me taht they really love him because he's so sweet when no one's looking, he only hits me 'casue he loves me... they're just as shallow as guys when it comes to this stuff... they go for looks and money, just like we do. But at least we're honest about it.


Sweet indeed.

a willow deeply scarred, somebody's broken heart, and a washed-out dream... <3
