MovieChat Forums > Sucker Punch (2011) Discussion > Feminists said the movie was mysoginisti...

Feminists said the movie was mysoginistic, but they accepted 50 shades..

50 shades of grey is accepted, but Sucker Punch isn't.

"No one is gonna take my soul away i'm living like Targaryen"


Don't try to apply common sense to so-called feminists these days Luke.


Nobody accepted fifty shades haha


yes, it was accepted, women are the responsible for the sucess of the crappy franchise, plus critics deemed it an empowering novel.

"No one is gonna take my soul away i'm living like Targaryen"


....sure okay pal


Exactly! Especially not by feminists. 50 Shades is a book/movie that romanticises rape and abuse. Feminists and most people did not accept it!


Then explain the sucess of the books and the movie.

Men aren't fans of that crap, stupid romantic teenage girls thought that was really romance and became fans of that crap, the critics did not accepted it, men did not accepted it, true feminists did not accepted it, but romantic teenage girls did and look what happened: that *beep* became a best selling franchise.

"No one is gonna take my soul away i'm living like Targaryen"


Right... I never said that it wasn't some women and teenage girls (and possibly some gay guys, I don't know) that made the books and the movie so popular. You said that feminists accepted it, though, which was what I was disagreeing to. Feminists did not accept 50 Shades because it is incredibly sexist, misogynistic, and promotes unhealthy relationships and romanticises abuse and rape. That's the same reason that most people didn't accept it. Some women and teenage girls got wrapped up in it, hence the amount of success it had, and I think a lot of people probably read the book out of curiosity because of the hype, but the majority of people can't stand it and don't accept it.


I've seen many feminists that absolutely love the book and see no misoginy in it.

Some women and teenage girls got wrapped up in it

Much more than some, 50 shades franchise has outgrossed many other franchises, Twilight itself (extremely flawed and yet enjoyable franchise) was outgrossed by it, plus the 50 shades bandwagon is very big, check how many fancasts, fanfics and fansites that *beep* franchise has.

There is no excuse for this, women should be seeking books that empower women like Divergent and Hunger Games saga not some crappy romance with a dumb female protagonist and a sadistic male protagonist.

The truth is that many women don't care about empowerment, all they want is to see some hunks shirtless in movies and that's why 50 shades became a sucess, they just let themselves blind because Christian Grey is described as extremely handsome in the books.

"No one is gonna take my soul away i'm living like Targaryen"


Twilight itself (extremely flawed and yet enjoyable franchise)

I would argue, Twilight is just as bad as 50 Shades, especially because it was the basis for it. 50 Shades was a Twilight fan fiction, she just changed the names and took out the supernatural elements. Also, Twilight romanticises creepy, abusive relationships too.

By the way, I'm not defending 50 Shades, here. I hate it, and I can't believe it became as popular as it did and I can't believe so many women bought into it. However, I don't think it's fair that people constantly moan about women making 'crap like that' so popular when there are an awful lot of *beep* films and franchises that are popular because of a wide interest in them from men. Look at most action movies. Most of them have ridiculously dumb plots, with uber macho guys and dumb, half naked, women and they're generally targeted more towards men by showing guns, and cool cars, and explosions, and a lot of the time it works and those movies become insanely popular and do so well because of it. Both sexes can be easily drawn in by stupid things marketed towards them but that doesn't mean it's all women or all men that do.

I've seen many feminists that absolutely love the book and see no misoginy in it.

You said 'many', well many isn't all. Most of the feminists I've seen/know hate it and definitely do see the misogyny and how awful it is. Again, I didn't say all.


I would argue, Twilight is just as bad as 50 Shades, especially because it was the basis for it. 50 Shades was a Twilight fan fiction, she just changed the names and took out the supernatural elements. Also, Twilight romanticises creepy, abusive relationships too.

It has similarities, but Edward isn't sadistic like Christian Grey.

The romance in twilight actually seems like a romance.

The werewolves were oversexualized, the whole vampire shining thing is ridiculous, but i must give credit to Stephenie Meyer for creating likable characters.

Edward is likable, Bella is bearable, Alice and Rosalie are fan favorites, the rest of the characters aren't annoying, the italian vampires are likable.

50 shades is pure filler, a sex fantasy of a perverted author.

Twilight has many flaws, but it's way better than 50 Shades.

"No one is gonna take my soul away i'm living like Targaryen"


It has similarities, but Edward isn't sadistic like Christian Grey.

The romance in twilight actually seems like a romance.

The werewolves were oversexualized, the whole vampire shining thing is ridiculous, but i must give credit to Stephenie Meyer for creating likable characters.

Edward is likable, Bella is bearable, Alice and Rosalie are fan favorites, the rest of the characters aren't annoying, the italian vampires are likable.


Twilight has many flaws, but it's way better than 50 Shades.

We're going to have to agree to disagree on all of this. I don't think Twilight is romantic at all. Edward is just as creepy and possessive and as much of a stalker as Grey (he watches her sleep). Jacob falls in love with a baby! None of the characters are likeable to me, they're all either creepy, whiney, or incredibly bland. I also strongly disagree that it's better than 50 Shades. I think they're both just as bad. However, that's just my opinion.


However, I don't think it's fair that people constantly moan about women making 'crap like that' so popular when there are an awful lot of *beep* films and franchises that are popular because of a wide interest in them from men. Look at most action movies. Most of them have ridiculously dumb plots, with uber macho guys and dumb, half naked, women and they're generally targeted more towards men by showing guns, and cool cars, and explosions, and a lot of the time it works and those movies become insanely popular and do so well because of it. Both sexes can be easily drawn in by stupid things marketed towards them but that doesn't mean it's all women or all men that do.

I dislike the whole argument women make crap popular, but it's true.

I don't think any action franchise is as worst as 50 shades.

Women have gained lots of spot in action movies, Milla Jovovich and Kate Beckinsale star popular action franchises, Terminator empowers women, the rest of the franchises do not degrade women like 50 shades.

There are mediocre action franchises like Rambo, but not as bad as 50 shades.

Also i don't think oversexualizing men and women is something bad, it bothers me because sometimes they cross the line, but most of the time it is harmless, some cleavage baring clothes.

Men are just as oversexualized as women, there's always shirtless hunks on movies, Twilight itself oversexualizes werewolves and there's 300 and Spartacus where men are highly oversexualized.

Nothing as offensive as 50 shades.

"No one is gonna take my soul away i'm living like Targaryen"


I dislike the whole argument women make crap popular, but it's true.

I'm not going to sit arguing over whether this is true or not, but I do think it's a gross generalisation and if women make crap popular then so do men.

the rest of the franchises do not degrade women like 50 shades.

Have you actually watched many action movies? Most of them are incredibly degrading to women, and I will say that having one female character that can kick people's asses does not automatically mean that the movie is not incredibly sexist and/or misogynistic. I'm not saying that people can't enjoy entertainment despite all these things, but to try and act like they're not there is absurd. James Bond is a prime example of an action movie franchise where women are constantly degraded. Those movies have always been incredibly misogynistic. The newer movies did a slightly better job with this, but I'm being generous when I say slightly.

Men are just as oversexualized as women, there's always shirtless hunks on movies, Twilight itself oversexualizes werewolves and there's 300 and Spartacus where men are highly oversexualized.

I never said they weren't, and my point wasn't even initially about the over sexualisation of women. My point was that men make some *beep* movies just as popular as women make others. Which is true. Most action movies are generally terrible for reasons besides the poor treatment of women in them. They're just generally bad movies because the plots are usually incredibly stupid and ridiculous, and the dialogue is usually awful.


I do think it's a gross generalisation and if women make crap popular then so do men.

That's true, The Walking Dead is crap, not scary, not entertaining, nothing special, just a waste of time when there are many better tv shows to watch.

"No one is gonna take my soul away i'm living like Targaryen"


I've seen many feminists that absolutely love the book and see no misoginy in it.

Citation needed.


Thank you!


Rethuglican stay at home mom's are not feminist. And that is the type who loved that book.


From what little I've skimmed of "50 Shades.." it's just textual porn. (The film flopped so we can ignore that.) "50 Shades...." is more like a collection of masturbatory videos from PornHub. While written porn exploits and degrades fewer people, the end product can be just as harmless, or just as odious.

If PornHub videos were all submitted voluntarily, by women with exhibitionist streaks, then I'd say PornHub was no more harmful than "50 Shades.." and all the other books like it.

Is PornHub misogynist? Absolutely. Is "50 Shades.." misogynynistic? I think so.

However, we live in a misogynist society, which still has a great deal of work to become more balanced. After all, women have only had the vote for less than 100 years in most "advanced Western Nations," and no-fault divorces for perhaps a third that long. I think feminists still have a lot of work to do, and that progress will become slower and slower as total equality comes closer, if only because the hypocrisy and issues will be too subtle for many to perceive.

As for "Sucker Punch," I'd just repeat my last paragraph.

Don't give up on the project. Feminism changed me from being a borderline chauvinist, to a man who thinks about women's concerns, and who consciously tries to do the right thing in terms of gender (LGBT) equality

"If you ain't a marine then you ain't *beep*


Right because feminists who do have children would much rather work at making money and throw their kid into day care than raise their own children to be open minded free thinkers. At home.


I have never met a feminist who didn't think 50 Shades was misogynistic garbage.

Death Awaits (Horror forum)


Yes women overcoming male oppression, how sexist! Sarcasm of course.
