MovieChat Forums > Sucker Punch (2011) Discussion > 6 stars? are you serious?

6 stars? are you serious?

I expected like 2 or 1. I never knew it was THAT easy to please a crowd. Twilight or any movie for the matter is much more watchable than this. Now i know what the title was referring to.



Glad to disappoint you. :)


Yeah, I find it awesome that the haters come onto the message board thinking that they're gonna have millons of others join them in bashing the film, only to get "sucker punched" with disappointment and see that there are more people here who like it and defend it :)


whatever, far be it for me to judge.

reply judged the audience based on the star rating. So it's not THAT far from you to do so.


Sucker Punch sucked. Get over it.

Sucker Punch(2011) - 5 outta 10 stars


What an appropriate username, there.


What an appropriate username, there.

I know, right?

A movie has to be REALLY good to pass my nazi like scrutiny.

Sucker Punch - 5 outta 10 stars

My vote history:


Are you by any chance related to the infamous soup_ nazi?

To resist the influence of others, knowledge of one's self is most important


True. Even if one dislikes SP he is a fool if he thinks there aren't millions of much worse movies out there, Hancock, Fantastic Four, Due Date, Ultraviolet, the Transformers etc to name a few.


That may well be, but that is expected. However I did NOT expect this lacquered turd from Zack Snyder. My mistake I guess.


I didn't have this impression at all. But how boring would be the world if we all agreed on the same things ?


I gave it 4. To be honest I didn't expect much but SP turned out to be all style no substance. At all. Corny dialogues, weak acting, predictable as hell, brilliant CGI.


Says you.


Yeah, says I. And I'll add more stuff you might not like. Ready?

- No character development (or very, very little)
- Bad dialogue and flat acting.
- Rubbish attempt to add some depth into an action movie, making it pompous, overly epic sfx galore with no substance, tangled up in its own pretentious story line.
- Filled with clichés, completely flat and one-dimensional. And predictive.

SP has got a few good points too.

- Not bad OST, that adds sense of excitement to these tiring action sequences. Yeah, in the long run they are rather tiring. As I said in my original post - all style, no substance.
- Great performances by Oscar Issac, Glenn Scott and Carla Gugino.
- Really well choreographed action sequences.


You're childish if you think I "might not like" your criticism. Feel free to think what you want. I disagree and I'm not the only one but to each his own.
Thanks for having given me the idea of a new description I could use for Pulp Fiction : "a pompous, overly epic violence galore with little substance, tangled up in its own pretentious story line".


I'm not being childish, if my snotty remark caused any offence I sincerely apologise.

Well, Pulp Fiction is exactly how you (I?) described it because it meant to be like this. Tarantino is playing with certain conventions, builds separate universe filled with overly self-indulgent, grotesque characters. It's meant to be shallow, silly, low budget and so epically unnatural that turns pathetic. It's tongue and cheek, jaunty and a bit sloppy because it's written that way. It's... Well, pulp.

Sadly Sucker Punch is a different kettle of fish. It's got all ingredients of a great movie: good cast, interesting storyline, tragic characters, absolutely fantastic special effects and really well directed action sequences. But like I mentioned before, there was too little of character development - imagine how much more interesting it would be if the action/dance sequences were shortened and we'd have a chance to learn a story of each of our characters?

From what I gathered watching SP twice, Zack Snyder tried to make it more "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" but with a modern, cool, fantasy twist. He wanted to create real characters, broken angels we want to root for. I can certainly see what he was trying to achieve but instead of working on the protagonists and their inner depth he focused too much on making the film overly melodramatic and visually stunning. I think if you watched it again but focused less on these amazing action sequences you'd see where I'm coming from.


Oh, I'm finally beginning to 'get' Pulp Fiction. Thks for the explanation. As for SP, I understand your point perfectly, but Snyder's method somehow worked on me. My heart shattered in several - non actiontyped - scenes, such as the very end. Of course, we know little about each girl's, Gorski's or Mr Blue's background, but imo that ain't so tragic ; those characters still have a defined personality as well as a global "aura" that gives them flesh, and act in ways that makes you feel things for them.
No problem with that, like said, it is fun to disagree.


Yes it is :-) Thanks for the good discussion :-)


Thank you.


I couldn't agree more. Opposition always allows us to think of new ideas, and maybe even realize one's that other the opinions could be righfeous.

BTW: I gave it a 10...and I'm a film historion. However, I based my score on the Director's cut.

Runnin' Things; it ain' all gravy." Casper in "Miller's Crossing" (1990)


this movie is best watched muted and undies free



What a pretentious comment. There is no sex or nudity in this PG-13 rated film, and the outfits aren't even that skimpy, so stop trying to sound cool by bashing the film with the same universal copy-paste derisions about it being a masturbatory fantasy for teens.


ok mr cool dude go back to fapping now




you cared "pancake-eater" LOL



Traceholic... mommy is calling... time to stop playing with the laptop. Now, go put your PJs on and lie down and take your nappy.


whatever, dude. I laughed.


It's an easy 3/10 for me. I never could have imagined how boring this movie could be.


twilight is more watchable for you? you just lost credibility there.


I know, right? It deserves like, 8 or 9 stars... Y'know what bothers me about you, Dioxholster? Is that you don't just not like the movie, but you love to hate it. You just feel like you can do, well, whatever you damn well please, now don't you? You went to all the effort in finding this page, just so that you could put it down. If you didn't like the movie, fine, leave the message boards for the true fans, ignore the movie, if you hate it so much. But no, you had to go to all this effort, just to put this movie down. What does that say about you? What should we say about twilight, huh? How would you feel, if I went on the 'Twilight' message board, and polluted it with all my sarcastic hatred?

Please, don't, just don't do things like this again. Want to go to all this effort in putting down a movie by it's ratings, then write a review. Leave the message boards for the REAL fans. Don't be suprised if you recieve nothing but backlash for christmas.

'Did you lose your fight, huh?'
'No... I just found it.'


finally figured out for myself wat is wrong with its board , a board is ment to post ur mind , i liked the movie . he dint , he told us his taste , its u stupid fan boys , he has all the right in the world to say so .
u make the board boooooring by defending it like it's ur child


If you want people to pay attention to what you have to say, you might want to start by not posting while you're so drunk you can hardly type.



Agreed the fan boys for this film are douches who have seen about two films in their lives. Quite sad really. Let them go. They have no idea wht they are missing out on.


Well you're missing out on life by choosing to waste it here.


Yeah mate cos there's so much more I could be doing on a train...



A coma would be less of a waste of your time.

Your Kung Fu is powerless against my Feng Shui.


Being on a train only allows you to access the Sucker Punch IMDB board? Sweet!


Yeah it's called technology you caveman. Lol amazing I know.


Well, the technology I'm used to isn't so limited to only one board on one website. But it's indeed amazing that yours steers you directly to the Sucker Punch board of all places!


Lol, stop trying to cover. You just made a total ass of yourself. What a technologically illiterate loser you are. Lolz


Now that is ironic. :)


Lol. Fail at sounding clever. There's nothing ironic at all. What a douche.


Buddy, you're so outclassed here, that geo owned you just by showing up.

Your Kung Fu is powerless against my Feng Shui.


Right... He owned me by failing. I see there's some pretty low standards placed on the fags who support this joke of a film. No surprises there. Haha


Mommy says it's time for you to get off her laptop.



Nope, SHE owned you just by showing up. Pay attention.

Your Kung Fu is powerless against my Feng Shui.



And you, my charming-and-utterly-lacking-of-any-wit-what-so-ever friend, made me want to ignore your comment (I read it anyhow) because of your im-punctuality.

I'm not so worked up about defending this movie as such. I spoke my opinion as he did. It irritates me how persistant people are about going on movie pages to put the movie down. It's nothing to do with the movie. It's the people that go to the effort to put things down.

Like say, there was an irish man, who came to our country of New Zealand, a few years ago, and he expected the beautiful, pollution-free clean and green nation, when instead, he got, well, New Zealand. So, in his outrage, he created a website to put the entire country of New Zealand down. Of course, he failed to upset the entire country, but we did have a few backlashes and harsh comments thrown at him via the internet so bad that they were shown on our local news.

Of course, countries and films are totally different, perspective-wise. Countries have leaders, occupants, criminals, trademarks, etc, whilst a film has fans and product placements. But it's still the same. See, some people, and if it's easier for you, then O.K, you can use me for example, yes, will defend this movie because its morall meant something to them, whether the film tells you or reveals something inside you that you didn't even know was there and it came out. And some people will defend that message, especially when it comes to people who create websites to pull down entire countries (which never happens, because, well, it's a website) or, even create threads about their disgust for films. And, perhaps 'Sucker Punch' is a poor example of a film that people will defend, but in some cases I will defend it, because its morall meant something to me, and that's why I was here and came across that message thread.

One last word, to both the irishman and that fellow who created this thread; What did you expect? Nothing's perfect, yet, they're always disapointed when they find that out. This in most cases leads to pathetic threads like the one that you and I have stumbled upon.

'If you don't stand for something... You'll fall for anything...'


I thought message boards were for putting your opinions out, not just spouting off about movies that you liked. I'm with the OP, as well as a few more people that find this movie overrated and underwhelming. I can't speak to the Twilight comparison, as I have never seen (and never will see) those "films," but this film was stylistically stunning, but lacked any depth, what so ever.


I thought message boards were for putting your opinions out, not just spouting off about movies that you liked.
Message boards are for putting your opinions out. But when you put your opinion out, we also get to put our opinions out about your opinion. Funny how that works, isn't it?

Your Kung Fu is powerless against my Feng Shui.


My point is that opinions are not right or wrong, they are merely that... opinions. You may disagree with the content of said opinions and can critique a person's reason for having them, but to berate a person for having them is just childish. And adding some sarcastic to then end of your post, like "funny how that works, isn't it?" Doesn't pass for wit, it just makes you look like an arrogant twat.


My point is that opinions are not right or wrong, they are merely that... opinions. You may disagree with the content of said opinions and can critique a person's reason for having them, but to berate a person for having them is just childish.
And my point is that it's even more patently childish to try and play the "I have a right to express my opinion" card to stifle other people from expressing theirs. That doesn't pass for logic. It just makes you look like an irrational, hypocritical, self-serving ego-centrist with only the vaguest awareness of what you're saying.

Funny how that works, isn't it?

Your Kung Fu is powerless against my Feng Shui.


Your point is that it's childish to expect people to respect others' opinions and have meaningful dialogue without feeling the need to berate them and tell them how terrible their views are? I believe your original comment was to a poster that "a coma would be a less waste of their time" or something to that effect. But, it's apparently just too convenient to have pointless, elitist battles, where you tell someone that their opinion is sh*t, and that they are "irrational, hypocritical, self-serving, ego-centrists" who are apparently stifling other peoples opinions when asking for adult conversation. Terribly unfortunate, but, have it your way. If that is your line of argument, which really makes no actual logical sense, then there's nothing more to say.


Respect goes both ways. If you want to have a polite "adult" conversation, I believe it is customary not to call into question the other side's taste, intelligence or sanity. Your original post endorsed the OP's statements, which did just that.

Since you're the expert on adult conversations, you tell me: How rational is it to lay down a statement like that, then expect the responses to be respectful? As you so adroitly pointed out, we're all just expressing our opinions here. If you want respect, I suggest you be respectful.

Your Kung Fu is powerless against my Feng Shui.


One, nothing I said was disrespectful. Two, I believe what the OP was saying is that he found this movie to be overrated and completely unwatchable, or something to that effect and that was what I agreed with. He said something about it being too easy to please a crowd, which I also completely agree with. I don't find that disrespectful either, actually. His opinion was that Twilight was much more watchable... all of these opinions may not sit well with you, but they are not insulting anyone's intelligence and there was nothing disrespectful in any of my posts. That is what is called adult conversation. You can trust me, I'm the expert.


Two, I believe what the OP was saying is that he found this movie to be overrated and completely unwatchable, or something to that effect
...thereby calling into question the taste of those who so would dare rate such an ostensibly unwatchable film so highly.

One, nothing I said was disrespectful.
You endorsed something that was. Now, you could make the case that you hadn't properly vested what it was you were agreeing with at the time, but if you can't own up to that, then you have much yet to learn about what constitutes an adult conversation. So no, I won't be trusting your self-professed "expert" judgment, thank you.

Your Kung Fu is powerless against my Feng Shui.


...thereby calling into question the taste of those who so would dare rate such an ostensibly unwatchable film so highly.

I find that to be a bit of a reach. I also think the film is rated on this site much higher than it should be and I do think that people are too easily pleased in a movie that was visually stunning, but lacked any real depth. If you take that as a personal indictment, then I guess that's your right.

Also, I never professed myself as an expert, I was cracking wise at a statement made in your previous comment. And I still don't think that the OP was being disrespectful and I've already laid out what I agreed with about his statement. If you want to consider me disrespectful by proxy, once again, it's your right to do so, but just because you do, doesn't mean that it's correct. The bottom line is that the OP finds the quality of this movie to be the same as the Twilight series, and though I haven't seen it, I've heard plenty about it, and find a lot of similarities in my experience with this overrated work and what I've heard about that one. Therefore, I still agree with the OP's sentiment, even if your sensitive palate finds it harsh and personally judgmental. Thank you.


I find that to be a bit of a reach.
That's fine, you're entitled. The same way I'm entitled to think if the tables were turned, and you were the subject of someone's thinly veiled insults, you'd find it well within reach.

Therefore, I still agree with the OP's sentiment, even if your sensitive palate finds it harsh and personally judgmental. Thank you.
I never said it was harsh, but certainly confrontational, and clearly intended to put fans on the defensive. So no, not harsh, but far from innocuous. Even farther from respectful.

You're welcome. Let me know if you need any more expository, and I'll be happy to help.

Your Kung Fu is powerless against my Feng Shui.


So, I just reread the thread and my original comment was posted in response to this comment, which was posted by a completely different user.

It irritates me how persistant people are about going on movie pages to put the movie down

That users comment, which was extremely long basically said that people should only go onto message boards and write good thing about the movies that they loved, which I thought missed the entire point of these threads. It had nothing to do with anything that we have been blathering on about for the last day, though it has been interesting. My only point is that this is a forum meant for people to post their opinions about films and it's unfortunate that people feel as though people who don't like the movie that they're posting about are less welcome. Mostly fanboys who get far too defensive about a movie that they have no actual personal stake in. Good talk anyway. back to your regularly schedule programming.


uhrdavid, you have the patience of a monk my friend. That is all I can say. Kudos!

Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them. I don't give a *beep* how crazy they are!


A pity he's no longer around to receive your kudos. For my part, it was a spirited debate, but I stand by my points.

Your Kung Fu is powerless against my Feng Shui.


I completely hated this movie! I thought that this was one of the worst acting jobs that I have ever seen, next to Twilight. I gave this movie a 1 only because I had to. I really am amazed that this movie doesn't have a 2 or a 1 either.


I loved it, gave it a 9.


I didn't like this movie. However, I hate it when people make fun of others for liking a movie they didn't care for.

It just wasn't my "cup of tea." I didn't get invested in the characters and while I LOVE the concept (dream within a dream), I didn't think the "rules" were clear of how they worked.

Visually, it's stunning, I'll give everyone that. However, to say it's the "worst movie" of all time is pretty harsh, as there are a LOT of other movies that fit that bill (Master of Disguise, X3, Batman and Robin)

Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and sh*t and Jack left town
