
Say what you want about the movie... But that soundtrack is badass!


This movie is good.The people trashing it are men who are deathly afraid of strong women characters in movies as well as real life.And lets face it,they probably still live in their moms basement wacking it to porn,or fu#king their blow up dolls.Real women despise these creeps.


Wow! You must be a very angry, unhappy person. Someone says something about a sound track and you respond with a tirade of totally unrelated hate...

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


I don't usually go for soundtracks to movies, but I really like the music in the movie, and purchased the soundtrack.


Love that many of the songs on the soundtrack are either covers and/or original remixes. White Rabbit and Army of Me are my favorites. 😎

"You are alone, child. There is only darkness for you, and only death for your people."
