How does it end?

I've seen the majority of the movie up until the scene in the kitchen/train where Jena Malone's character sacrifices herself.

I'm really confused on that parallel (the entire movie is really...interesting) Was she killed? How did it end?

Thanks in advanced!



Nothing in this film is simple.

You really need to watch it all, and decide for yourself what it means.

There are many interpretations that have been posted, and with good reason; the post-modern surreal aspect certainly opens up the possible meanings.

"Maybe it's another dimension. Or, you know, just really deep." --Needy


While you really should finish the film-here is what is viewed:

After Rocket is stabbed, Sweetpea sobs over her and bluew bursts through the door. He yells at the cook for stabbing rocket and then takes the remaing girls and MS. Gorski upstairs. Sweet pea is locked up int he detention closet.

Because of Blondie, Blue now knows of the escape plan and tries to intimidate the girls into spilling the secrets. Ms. Gorski tries to calm him down and reassure him nothing is going on, but he slaps her and says that she is nothing more" then a n aging whore!!!" Blondie confesses that she spilled the beans and blue says that blondie did the right thing " but kills her for "being a snitch."He also reveals the location of the chalkboard.

He then kills amber to make a point and makes all the girls leave so the show can begin excpet for babydoll. He then tries to tell babydoll that he loves her and want to be with her (in his own way: "im a kid on playground and everyone wants to play with my toys.") he tries to rape babydoll and she fights back, eventaully grabbing the KNife and stabbing blue in the shoulder. As she does this, she is able to obtain the key around his neck ( the fourth item) and flees.

Baby doll frees swet pea and uses the lighter to ignite the chemicals in the janitors closet on fire. In the chaos, swett pea and babydool escape, but there are professional drivers and bodyguard blocking the gate. Baby doll tells sweet pea that she will distract them. Sweet pea says she cant leave baby doll, but babydoll insist sweet pea go and live a life." thats how we escape, you live for us."-Babydoll

Babydoll kicks a bodyguard and is knocked out so sweet pea can escape.

We have flashback of events through out the movie and go back to reality: the insane asylum
Babydoll is taken back to the hospital and lobotomized. The DR. is played by john Hamm, but he is confused after the procedure. He says babydoll looked like she wanted to be lobotmized and she didn;t fit the profile for his typical patients. Babydoll is taken to another room by the orderlies. Dr. gorski says that she was a trouble girl who in her short time there. Stabbed an orderly, set the building on fire, and helped a girls escape.
The dr. asks why for the lobotomy and says that Dr. gorski recomended it. Dr. gorski says she would have not signed fora procedure for the girl and looks at the order request. Blue had forged her signature.

Babydoll is taken to a private room by a wounded blue and the other orderlies. The fat orderly, who had the zippo, that amber took, is now missing it and the chef is missing the knife (in the real world).

One of the orderlies tells blue that they "dont want to hurt the girls anymore." but Blue tells him to shut up and asks to be left alone with babydoll. He tries to kiss her, but gets angry when he realizes that she is gone. Babydoll is now in avegetative state.

as he si pleading with her not to leave him-the door bursts open and Dr. Gorski is there with several police officers. Blue says that he is good to the girls and that he takes care of them, but Dr. Gorski has him arrested.

Babydoll is show one more time with a positive exzpression on her face (thats my intreprtation)

Sweet pea is then shown arriving at a bus station. She reaches a bus and attempts to get on when two officers stop her. They ask her for ID, when all of sudden the bus driver (who is Scott Glenn, the old man) tells them that she just got off the bus to use the bathroom. the officers first try to question her again, but scott glenn says that she has been on the bus for quite some time and has been absloute joy of a passneger, there is no way she is the girl they are looking for. The Police officer leave and sweet pea theanks the bus driver and gets on the bus. She says she cant pay, but he tells her not to worry and to take a seat and get some rest.

the film ends with the bus driving off into the sunset and sweet pea remarks on who "fights for us, who loves us, who dies for us, who lives life for us"

Final lines"

"The answer is You have all the weapons you need...NOW FIGHT."


JOHN HAMM'S Role is bigger in the directors cut. In the dir cut, he is "the high roller" (in the club fantasy)and babydoll is taken to his room. He has purchased her for the night, but tells her that he doesn;t just want to have sex with a hooker, but rather feel affection. He wants babydoll to want to have sex with him. He tells babydoll that he can free her and they begin to kiss before the flashback begin and it cuts back to the mental asylum.


It ended with the credits scrolling upward just like every other movie!

The validity of my answers is highly dependent on the intelligence of the question..or lack thereof.


"It ended with the credits scrolling upward just like every other movie!"


 Celebrating 100 Years of DADA * Feb. 5, 1916 * Zurich


It ended with the credits scrolling upward just like every other movie!

What an intelligent answer 😴
