Zach is lucky

Zach is lucky this pile o crap didn't derail his career. I've left better films in the bottom of my toilet. I challenge anyone who liked it to name there top 5 movies of all time, and I'll bet a Adam sandler movie is in there. Complete gurbage yo!


u know every movie doesn't belong to the same genre


The genre this movie belongs too is called "steaming garbage".


Like you post. I like it very much and i dont care what you think.


The Watchmen, The Matrix, Die Hard with a Vengance, The Dark Knight and Pans Labyrinth


Let Me See...

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars Episode V: Empire Strikes Back
Finding Forrester

and somewhere between Matrix, Godfather, Aliens and you know what? The Mask...

most hated movies i have on my list are mostly Sandler's....but are right... somewhere...somehow.!

taste is subjective...the fact that you think that this movie is your right... but that does not translate the feelings of the rest of the world.!!! believe me..!! i know someone who's favorite film is Coyote's Ugly...her right.!! her taste..!! go to a movie you like and speak about it...leave this to the people who love it...we might be few...but that doesn't give you the right to be a jerk and to impose what you think my top 5 will be..!! and what the heck do sandler films have to do with Snyder films???


What I was so elegantly saying was, that if you liked this film, there's a good chance that Adam sandler movies appear on your best of all time list. Next time you should read the original post before you comment ....mmmmmmmmkay!


And what i am saying is that if you like a film like probably don't like sandler movies because there is nothing in common between the two ...


I think ELOQUENTLY was the word you were, or should have been, looking for, troll ... You weren't "elegantly saying" anything.


What a *beep* garbage troll post.
I hope you're dead by now.

Top 5 are:
Dark Knight Trilogy
Jack & Jill
Grown Ups 2
Little Nicky
.... so go *beep* yourself.


That's 7 movies genius


Boogie nights
Big trouble in little china
Jackie brown
Raising Arizona

And this wasn't a great movie, it was just cute chicks with assault rifles. No more no less.

My *beep* wife has an ass in her c*ck


The Dark Knight, Jaws, Mad Max: Fury Road, Jurassic Park, and Fantasia.

There's my top 5, as you can see there are no Adam Sandler movies in sight.


I liked it. It wasn't a masterpiece but it was a not terrible but not remarkable film that was a descent watch.

Favorite films:
Let The Right One In/Let Me In
To the Wonder
Blade Runner

Also there is a film that is amazing with Adam Sandler in it. It is called Punch Drunk Love.


The cobbler was better


I can honestly say, that Zack Synder's Sucker Punch was a lot better than Paul Feig's awful Ghostbusters remake
