Camera Work

did they use a single camera techniques? did they practic the cinema-verite style? because this film doesn't look like a motion picture quality and camera work. it looks more like a documentary style camera work! it doesn't look like it was made using a proffessional film camera but a camcorder..

i'm not complaining... the story's great but the cinematography and camera work not that good!

can someone explain why?



PLeaSe soMeONe



Yes, it looked to me like one-camera work and obviously digital (which is more obvious is darker scenes).


Available technology aside, WTF was up with all the GD close-ups?! As interesting as the story was, I couldn't watch the screen without literally getting naseous.

Was it supposed to look realistic? Nobody carries on all of their conversations six inches away from the people they're talking to, because no one would EVER talk to that person.

Did some idiot think it looked cool? It's definitely not cool to ask people to give up an hour and a half of their lives to watch your movie, then spend that time making them want to puke.

Was the director as nearsighted as Lila, so she couldn't be sure who she was shooting unless she had the camera practically jammed into their skulls? Or was it just a cheap-@ss plot to save money on sets and locations?

What a tragedy that what should have been an outstanding movie decided, for no reason, to make itself physically unwatchable.

"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you."
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die."
