MovieChat Forums > Fair Game (2010) Discussion > Did anyone else laugh when…

Did anyone else laugh when…

Naomi Watts just kind of disappeared in the middle of her CIA building?

She had an agent who was supposed to be ‘shadowing’ her about three feet behind her, yet she managed to lose him by turning a corner before his very eyes.

It was no wonder Valarie Plame worked for the CIA – her teleporting skills must have been quite useful.



But don't forget, she was an agent too! She even said that she has completed the training for agents.


I heard she put on one of those new invisibility cloaks the CIA were testing at the time. But I can't see it...


Either that, or she borrowed Harry Potter's one.



Yeah, that whole scene was kinda weird to watch. It was like," ...uhh what happened there?" lol



I think it was like the fact that the whole floor was a series of cubicles which meant she could duck in to one as soon as she turned the corner. A bit like Neo near the start of The Matrix.
