MovieChat Forums > Fair Game (2010) Discussion > Dear Motion Picture Academy

Dear Motion Picture Academy

Please please please give Naomi Watts the Best Actress Award for her remarkable performance in this remarkable film!

"Penmanship is dying all across this country."


yes an amazing performance , her best to date.



I would normally say she has no chance because her performance wasn't special, but Sandra Bullock won it last year so even mediocre performances can win it now.


Somebody would have to bring their right wing bias into it.
The movie complexes in my city are owned by one family and they refused to show the film. Finally, it was shown just this past week and the crowds were good.
This was one of the strangest occurrences in US history. The Fox watchers and Limbaugh listeners have no idea this occurred, but they should. It is a great cautionary tale. This is what can happen when sociopathic men gain unchecked power.
Casting was great. Don't know who else could have played Valerie Plame so well.


oooo, "good" crowds, there's a ringing endorsement. Freedom! Yeah! But wait, did they refuse to show the movie, or did they show it... cuz, you said it both ways. Wait again, and allow us to fill in the blanks: they didn't want to show it, but the demand was so great that they eventually did, because, people from wherever you live demand all the latest hollywood productions, you know, for educational purposes, like how to view the world, and who's evil and who's ok, let's just trust hollywood, they're popular.
Are you aware that it only opened on 46 screens (that means only 46 theaters)? Maybe it wasn't a sinister plot by the cinema owning family, but a business decision based on a movie that could only get 46 theaters to show it when it came out? No, it must be a conspiracy... against you.
Obviously you don't know anything about fox watchers and rush listeners (keep reading to see how we're more educated and aware than you)... you're the perfect audience for this kind of propaganda movie "ok hollywood, you're telling me this is how it happened and right-wingers don't understand, ok, i believe you mainstream media, because you're honest and non-political about right-wingers."
As a lesson for anyone else with a higher IQ, the difference in right-wing/left-wing media coverage is: focus.
The left focused on... well, all the stuff this movie is about. The right focused on, how this was allegedly outted (and the definition of "outted" for someone who wasn't undercover), whether joe wilson's report had any merit (or accuracy/credible worth), and eventually to the circumstances of joe wilson being selected for this opportunity (it was his wife's suggestion to her connections).
You really need to broaden the base of your "trusted" resources and realize that news is presented from perspectives, it isn't just a recitation of facts. I guess as long as mainstream (aka left-wing) media is seen as the "popular kids" they'll have mindless robots believing everything they say.


Okay Sarah Palin, thanks for the input, but I'm pretty sure buddy's post up there had nothing to do with what you just said.

Solid rant though.

~ I'm a farmer, who's ever heard of a fatalistic farmer? ~


Please leave politics out of this, bloated-head.


unknownKKKmale, you're a dildo & so was D..D..Dubya. I _bet_ you say 'nucular' too. It's 2011; do we _really_ still need junior Bush apologists? Hadn't even the die-hard neocon chickenhawks joined the global concensus that he was a retarded corporate puppet-monkey?

Naomi Watts is one of the most talented actresses alive today. Go check out one of her "non-Dubya-bashing" movies then come back once you've garnered at least a _little_ clue - if at all possible...

Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit shootin' smack...



Were there lots of people complaining about All The President's Men and calling it a Nixon bashing movie?

Serious question. Were there people back then who rejected it because they were still Nixon supporters?


Bush deserves to be bashed.

With that said... I found this movie really boring. 5/10.


She was also terrific in this year's "You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger." This has been her best year yet, and I too would like to see her get one of the big awards.


I would sign anything to support this.

She gives a terrific performance in the film, subtle, delicate, layered and endorsed by Liman the director and the Wilsons. There is no justice if such an excellent performance is again ignored and not recognized by the Academy Awards.


Is delicated a word?



She wasn't that good. I felt she played the movie with a deer in the headlights kind of awareness...with the exception of the scene when Sean Penn is making up his bed on the couch and they have a short interaction. That's the only scene where I felt she was good.


Naomi Watts is a terrific actress. I am surprised that she was not mentioned in the Oscar buzz for this role. She is wonderful as Valerie Plame. She has the most screen time and she fills the screen with her presence.


I thought Fair Game was a good movie though with all the real world politicking none of the content was all that surprising.

For me Ms Watts was seriously overlooked for her role in Mother and Child which for me as one of the best movies last year.


Agreed, Joeva za

She was fantastic in Mother and Child. So was Bening, who deserved her Oscar nomination more here than in The Kids Are All Right.


they didn't listen

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


When will they every learn, sigh!

"Penmanship is dying all across this country."


She has same performance from ages.There is no difference this one or Eastern Promises or others she played.


I watched "Mulholland Drive" twice before I realized it was the same actress playing Betty and Diane. She is truly two different people in one film, let alone her range of performance across many films.

"Penmanship is dying all across this country."



From scene one, this film delivers a long slow burn as the tale of power and corruption unfolds. There is little action, but the film is steeped in an atmosphere of tension and high drama. an object lesson in how to frame shots and let silence, as well as words,work for the story, A superb film , Naomi was amazing , but not an oscar worthy performance


To all the people who complain about liberal Hollywood, here's the deal. Who goes into professions like filmmaking and acting? Predominately it's people on the LIberal side of things, I don't know why this is, but it's a fact. If the right can get Conservative kids coming out of high school to go into theatre and filmmaking, go for it, but they tend to go into business, law etc. It's just a fact.


I very much agree with OP.... she should have at least been nominated. Watts plays a cool, dedicated, intelligent public servant with aplomb... and looks good doing it. She was sadly OO... Oscar Overlooked.

"If it is not in the frame, it does not exist!"
