MovieChat Forums > Fair Game (2010) Discussion > Boo Hoo--Being a Washington Power Couple...

Boo Hoo--Being a Washington Power Couple is Hard!

What a couple of yuppie jerks. What crap parents. Plame and Wilson (especially!) come across as overpaid, over-privileged, and overbearing.
So sorry that the power structure (that you are part of) bit you on the ass!
How far we've come from citizen soldiers fighting for a clear cause. America's giant military (US spends more than the next 19 countries combined) means we can send these civil servants anywhere around the globe to do ... who-knows-what! (Same with Zero Dark Thirty.)
It's all a big secret and we just get to pay for it through our tax dollars.
Am I really supposed to care about these characters?
Am I supposed to find these civil servants heroic?
I don't. Makes for a lousy movie.


Valerie Plame was a C.I.A. agent that had her name leaked by a journalist,which as far as I know is illegal. Supposedly her name was leaked because her husband wrote an article stating that he found no yellowcake uranium in Niger and there was no proof that Saddam Hussein was trying to purchase any. Why is that so hard follow? I'm not exactly sure why you have such contempt for civil servants,it's a little odd.

Now we can handle this like gentleman or we can get into some old gangster sh*t


I get the story. But thanks for the summary. I just found Blame and Wilson came across as self-centered jerks. And if you don't think the US security establishment has gotten a bit too big ... read the newspaper and check out what the NSA has been up to. Your tax dollars at work!
